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Quest Atak 2

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Quest Atak 2 Empty Quest Atak 2

Post by Adey Tue May 06, 2014 4:51 pm

Just bought a nice Quest Atak 2 (in white)

Atak 2

No photos of my own yet...

I was surprised by how similar it is in many details to my Azumi Victory below

Quest Atak 2 P1013351_zpsdedfcf99

Neck (other than no of frets) looks and feels identical, nut - the same (exactly, not close, and exact same detailing in its fitting) , tuners - the same (other than saying Quest), pick-ups (Gotoh copies of Super Distortions) - the same, the body even "feels" the same, if you know what I mean.

Anyone come across Azumi before? Could it be a bit Mats?

I have only seen one other for sale on ebay in the last year...
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Quest Atak 2 Empty Re: Quest Atak 2

Post by Barry Tue May 06, 2014 5:40 pm

The only Azumi's I've seen have had a shape like the Explorer and usually in blue burst. Yours is unfamiliar to me.

That Atak looks fantastic, um, assuming you like that squished shape.  Smile

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Quest Atak 2 Guitar10
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