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picture of me with president/ceo?

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picture of me with president/ceo? Empty picture of me with president/ceo?

Post by TDUB Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:07 pm

Hi all new here didnt know this existed very cool!!!
so I am looking for a picture from 1984 at johns guitar shop in San Diego
the president or ceo of electra westone flew to San diego to hand deliver
me my Dynasty it was the first one sold on the west coast if anyone can
help Id appreciate it I was 16 at the time and I still have the guitar!! thanks
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 54
Age : 57
Location : Buffalo
Registration date : 2012-01-12

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picture of me with president/ceo? Empty Re: picture of me with president/ceo?

Post by The Chad Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:56 pm

Nothing I'd ever seen, and I've done a LOT of Westone scouring!

What's your Dynasty lke nowadays, did you keep it in good shape? Was it the first release with the Strat style bridge, white numbered knobs, and rounded off center pickup ring like this one?

picture of me with president/ceo? 76c0_1

The Chad
The Chad
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picture of me with president/ceo? Empty westone dynasty

Post by TDUB Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:59 pm

yea I wish I could find those pics this has been my favorite guitar I have had over 30 axes in my day but this is the only one I still have.
Mine was red yes was, and I just looked there is NO serial # on the plate... so I have done several modifications to mine I have one humbuck bridge pickup took out the other two replaced the tremelo with a Kohler down to one volume knob with the push pull and one toggle switch I moved the strap lock to a better fit for me. the entire body and neck equipment is still original and it was redone with a white finish with black hardware. and now needs to be refinished I burnt through the original red I played this alot!! LOL then redid in white which is lookin rough might go back to original red though not sure! as far as shape I still have the original case and it still sounds like it did 28 years later!!!
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 54
Age : 57
Location : Buffalo
Registration date : 2012-01-12

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picture of me with president/ceo? Empty Re: picture of me with president/ceo?

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