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Bendmaster and Floyd Rose

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Bendmaster and Floyd Rose Empty Bendmaster and Floyd Rose

Post by richard_senior Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:04 pm


Great forum! I thought I'd pitch in with my 2 pence worth in the tremelo unit stuff..

I bought a spectrum II on ebay the other week.
My original and much beloved model has a floyd rose, which seems to be factory fitted.
The new one has a Bendmaster Deluxe, also factory fitted.

I've poked around on the forum and it seems that though the posts are the right width apart, they are 3/8ths further forward on the floyd rose (after measuring I concur).
Also there are a few other differences.

On the floyd rose model the locking nut is also the nut itself.
On the bendmaster there is a nut and a locking nut.
Although looking at the plastic cover for the truss rod on the bendmaster guitar.. this locking nut does not look factory fitted.. How do you get to the truss rod when 2 of
the screws to remove the cover are obscured by the locking nut?

Bendmaster and Floyd Rose P1010510

Here's the floyd rose model.. Note the cutout behind the bridge into which the intonation screws of the floyd rose can pit safely when pulling the wang bar up.

Bendmaster and Floyd Rose P1010511

Note on the bendmaster there's no recess for the unit to pit

Bendmaster and Floyd Rose P1010512

I prefer the actual saddles on the bendmaster, but on the whole the FR with recess and locking nut seems better.
I'd like to replace the Bendmaster with the Floyd Rose but it looks like FAR too big a job.
I can't find whole posts on the forum which shows how it's done.. Can someone find me the link please?
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Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2010-04-16

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Bendmaster and Floyd Rose Empty Re: Bendmaster and Floyd Rose

Post by corsair Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:04 am

The TRC only has the one screw, so that's easy eh!! Bendmaster and Floyd Rose Icon_lol I've never had the whale tail or the fine tuners of any of my BD's go anywhere near the top of the guitar; it doesn't seem to be a problem but I think Colt has done the replacement so if you check under his posts - colt933 - you should find some info, or PM him if you're serious about it.
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Bendmaster and Floyd Rose Empty Pulling back the trem..

Post by richard_senior Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:33 am

Yes one of the big differences between the FR and the BM is how intonation is achieved.
On the FR you have some allen bolts that protrude out of the back, whereas the bendmaster has flat levers, so it doesn't need as much room. I do think though that if I retrofitted an FR to this guitar that I'd need to rout a pit in it... Unless I stabalised the bridge so that it didn't pull back. I might do this anyway so I can fit one of those d-tuna things that colt mentions.. Given that almost every song written since 1995 seems to be in drop D!

It seems Colt has thought of all this but I can't find any post where he blogs what he did....
I may PM him.
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Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2010-04-16

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Bendmaster and Floyd Rose Empty Re: Bendmaster and Floyd Rose

Post by colt933 Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:23 pm

I punted. I did not convert my X-390 with BD to a FR system. There, I said it: "I have an X-390 Pantera with a factory Bendmaster Deluxe." The main reason that I did not complete this project is that the simplest way to convert a guitar from BD to FR would be to set the neck pocket in the body back a bit. But with the X-390 this cannot be done because of the construction of the neck/body joint.

I have absolutely no experience with the
Korean-made Westones shows in this post. But they look like Jacksons to
me so you may be able to take some cues there.

There is no reason to remove the BD's behind-the-nut string lock to use
the Floyd lock nut; so save some money just leave it there.

You already have a body to go by in doing your routing on the other
body. So there you go: route the body and move the neck back. As far as the 'pit' goes, it's there because the neck is flat to the body. So when you re-do your neck route, you can put a bit of angle in it (like a bolt-on Pantera or a Gibson Les Paul) and I don't think you will need the 'pit'. Does your body with the BD have a neck angle on it?

And as far as fully floating fulcrum tremolos go, I'm against it. I used to use them to some affect, but as you well know they're kind of finicky. I've tried the 'tremol-no' and the Hipshot 'tremsetter'. Both work to some degree, but there's no substitute for a blocked tremolo as far as stability goes.
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Registration date : 2008-04-08

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