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More information for replacing Bendmaster FT or Deluxe with Floyd Rose

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More information for replacing Bendmaster FT or Deluxe with Floyd Rose Empty More information for replacing Bendmaster FT or Deluxe with Floyd Rose

Post by colt933 Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:11 pm

We have discussed this several times before. The post/stud spacing on Bendmaster tremolos matches that of Floyd Rose tremolos, so yes, Floyds will drop right in on a Westone. However, we have discovered that the relationship of the knife edges and the bridge saddles between the Bendmasters and the Floyds are such that you will not make scale and intonate with a Floyd on one of these Westones.

A week or two ago, there was a Pantera X-275 on Ebay that had a Floyd and EMGs. Some of you may remember this. I had a dialogue with the seller. He stated that he had a custom guitar shop put the Floyd on it back in the 1980s. I asked him how he got it to make scale and intonate, if the studs/posts had been relocated. Upon close inspection, he found that they had not been relocated, but that the custom shop had altered the neck pocket, joining the neck to the guitar farther back and thus making scale and proper intonation.

There you have it!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately this approach will not work on an X-350 or X-390 as they have no neck pocket to alter.
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More information for replacing Bendmaster FT or Deluxe with Floyd Rose Empty Re: More information for replacing Bendmaster FT or Deluxe with Floyd Rose

Post by Barry Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:18 pm

Great information colt! I'm not affected (yet) but it's always a comfort to know we can keep these babies alive and kicking with off the shelf hardware and a bit of innovative thinking.
Thanks! king

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
More information for replacing Bendmaster FT or Deluxe with Floyd Rose Guitar10
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