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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by Breidablik Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:57 pm

Would that fit?
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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Re: Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by corsair Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:54 pm

I don't know for sure but I'm picking that there would be problems which while not insurmountable, may be quite offputting. I do know you'd have to rout the body for a FR, and that the string spacing is probably different... Colt has done a FR conversion and I gathered that it wasn't the happiest of times! Shocked

What's wrong with your SX's FT??
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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Re: Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by Breidablik Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:17 pm

corsair wrote:I don't know for sure but I'm picking that there would be problems which while not insurmountable, may be quite offputting. I do know you'd have to rout the body for a FR, and that the string spacing is probably different... Colt has done a FR conversion and I gathered that it wasn't the happiest of times! Shocked

What's wrong with your SX's FT??

I see. Nothing wrong with the FT. I'm just used to the Floyd and like it, and i have one on a guitar i dont use anymore. Thanks for the reply.
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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Re: Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by colt933 Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:10 pm

At the bare minimum, you will have to re-rout the neck pocket, moving it back about 3/8". This is so the Floyd will make 25.5" scale. Otherwise you will never intonate this guitar. Additionally, you may have to deal with spacing issues in the tremolo pocket and possibly the rear pickup cavity as well.

Another possibility might be to split the difference between the neck pocket and the tremolo studs (move each 3/16" close to each other).

It can be done successfully on some of the bolt-on neck Westones - not sure about your application.

Search is your friend - there are several threads on this subject.

The #1 reason (and really only one in my opinion) is to use a D-Tuna. Otherwise - if your Bendmaster is not broken and is still functional - don't do it.
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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Re: Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by richy2000 Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:57 am

hey i'm actually trying to do this myself, so your saying you need to route the neck pocket deeper to fit 25.5 scale. but i'm pretty sure the spectrum sx is already 25.5 scale?
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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Re: Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by Westbone Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:44 am

1st. step.  String up what you have and measure up.

Yes it is 25.5 scale.

Neck pocket deeper towards the bridge not into the body vertically. All depends on the bridge you have! Step 1.
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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Re: Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by richy2000 Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:58 am

what scale does it have to be to intonate properly? ive read that 25.5 scale will intonate?
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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Re: Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by The Chad Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:26 am

Hang on... no need to go through all that mess! 

I've installed a Gotoh 1996t "Floyd" on my Dynasty, without any of that mess.  I did a thread about it.  Your SX is the same basic layout, it'll work on your SX just as well as it did on my Dynasty.  Gotoh 1996t's are a better version of the Floyd, in many opinions.  Designs upgrades.

Now... Bendmaster vs. locking trem (Floyd or Gotoh)... if you actually dive bomb and really use your trem, the Bendmaster will go out of tune.  I have tested this many times.  With a locking trem, properly set up, it will not. 

Look for my thread about my Dynasty and Gotoh.  I provided a lot of info.  If you buy a Gotoh 1996t... message me and I'll help you.  NO  drilling and filling required.  You just need new screw in posts, the longest sustain block you can find (42mm is usually it), and a little shaving inside the cavity.
The Chad
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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Re: Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by Westbone Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:45 am

Already been through all this with him Chad.

Have a look at the previous post in tech. section.

Spectrum SX floyd rose replacement. By richy 2000
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Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX? Empty Re: Floyd Rose Original on a Spectrum SX?

Post by The Chad Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:48 am

I'm saying to abandon the Floyd and use the Gotoh, shouldn't be an issue since the Gotoh allows for intonation with stock post placement.  I'll check out richy2000's post...
The Chad
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