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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by ironmikeko3 Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:07 am

New here and Im loving the shape of both of those guitars so if anyones looking to sell and find a nice home for theirs i treat my babies good. send me PM's with Pics info and Price, if i can even recieve pms yet because i just registered. also im more interested in the V plus the other guy whos looking to rehash his old thrash days deserves that dimension more lol
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by Warrn Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:19 am

Your best bet is probably going to be eBay. Where are you located?

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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by silence86 Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:23 am

hi and welcome,

i haven't got any of them...however there is currently a dynasty on (link), and a dimension 4 on craigslist usa (link)...

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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by ironmikeko3 Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:04 pm

Thanks guys, I live in NY. I emailed the craigslist one, it would be cool to get that one in white red and find a dynasty in black for around the same.
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by Warrn Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:22 pm

Oklahoma is a funny place to find a pointy guitar.

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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by ironmikeko3 Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:03 am

No answer found a couple of more trying those out.
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by ironmikeko3 Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:27 pm

Hey i found a guy whos gonna sell me one but ive never seen this color, can any experts here tell by the color if this is one of the Matsumoku built westones? here is the pic
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by boutjp97 Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:55 pm

It's a Matsumoku but it has been painted, poorly. Buy it, sand and paint black..
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by ironmikeko3 Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:59 pm

that was a definite on my agenda
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by Barry Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:26 pm

What boutjp97 said. But fer Pete's sake not black!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Guitar10
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by Warrn Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:29 pm

That color is about a million times better than black. In fact, I like it. If you do repaint it, NOT BLACK, PLEASE.

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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by ironmikeko3 Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:22 pm

well i wouldnt paint it right away anyway, im gonna play it for a while and see if the paint job grows on me, if it doesnt then id change it. why the hate for black? I love black guitars but i was thinking maybe a cherry red like Akira Takasaki's ESP Random star, even though you can get it in red already, but i think it comes with a red neck and fretboard, so it would look pretty cool with Red body but the black and rosewood neck/headstock. who knows though because id have to take the thing apart to repaint it any color and im just not up for doing all that work anytime soon so teal it will stay..... for a while at least hahaha
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by boutjp97 Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:27 pm

I suggested black because the headstock is black and it only came in three colors so it was originally black. Remember also all the angels (I wouldn't want to sand to wood and black covers all) and how deep the paint gets on Matsumoku guitars. I will never sand another...EVER!!!!! If you don't want to restore to original then choose a color (Polly may suggest pearl pink) and paint away. And post some pictures.
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by Warrn Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:20 am

Black is the cliche color. Everyone has a black instrument. Hell, even I do! I have a black Dim IV bass! Only reason I won't refinish it is because the paint is in great shape. And additionally, I think teal is a great color for a Dimension.

As for the headstock being black, that's common across most Westone models, Dimensions were unusual for having color-matched headstocks.

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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

Post by ironmikeko3 Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:30 am

i cant wait to play this teal axe hahaha but im also trying to get a red dynasty v from some lady but everyone is scared to ship because they think im gonna screw them, i had to convince the guy with the teal IV too, but it does not seem to be going good for the Dynasty V. flump My Life....nice cpu edit Flump haha
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Westone Dimension IV

Post by Paul2010 Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:05 am

Hi -

I came across your question while looking for info on the Westone Dimension IV because in a week or so I'm going to be selling a brand new one (due to very unfortunate circumstances, it was played for only a few hours in total, and since 1985 it's been in its hard case in the corner of the bedroom) on eBay in the UK. if you are interested in one of these guitars, or know anyone who is, email me and I will let you know when I post the ad.
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Dimension IV for sale - new!

Post by Andrew Ludgate Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:30 am

I have one for sale on eBay now (white with red lightning bold, plus original hard case), sale ending in a couple of days.
It's virtually brand new, played for just a few hours before spending the past 25 years in it's case in a cupboard.
Take a look here:
Andrew Ludgate
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Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V Empty Re: Looking for either Dimension IV or Dynasty V

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