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Which Model or not a Westone?

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Which Model or not a Westone? Empty Which Model or not a Westone?

Post by Westone Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:20 am

This was labeled a Westone but I don't recognize it. Which Model or maybe it's not a Westone?

The right side horn resembles a Pantera but the left side?

Please ignore the neck which is not original.  

Which Model or not a Westone? Screen19
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Which Model or not a Westone? Empty Re: Which Model or not a Westone?

Post by Westone Sun Sep 26, 2021 7:24 am

Few more pics. Metal neck plate doesn't resemble MIJ Westones but maybe a later MIK?

Which Model or not a Westone? Screen21
Which Model or not a Westone? Screen20
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Which Model or not a Westone? Empty Re: Which Model or not a Westone?

Post by gittarasaurus Sun Sep 26, 2021 2:30 pm

that looks like an Aria Pro 2 body
they came in many pickup configurations
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Which Model or not a Westone? Empty Re: Which Model or not a Westone?

Post by Westone Sun Sep 26, 2021 3:47 pm

gittarasaurus wrote:that looks like an Aria Pro 2 body
they came in many pickup configurations

Interesting.  You're the 2nd person to say that.  I messaged the owner on Facebook Marketplace that it's likely a Aria Pro II & he said it looks like a spectrum to him so wasn't going to change his ad! LOL
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Which Model or not a Westone? Empty Re: Which Model or not a Westone?

Post by Barry Sun Sep 26, 2021 5:29 pm

You're on to something there Mike.
I think you're right, the body is at least one of the "Cats" :
Aria Pro II RS StrayCat, RS WildCat, or RS BobCat.

There are catalogues available over at the Matsumoku Guitar Gallery but they're not the easiest to negotiate. I was only looking at one and there was no HSS model that I could locate. YMMV LINK

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Which Model or not a Westone? Guitar10
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