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What a model this Westone is?

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What a model this Westone is? Empty What a model this Westone is?

Post by Claudio.esp Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:44 pm

Hello everyone! My name is Claudio and i'm from Italy. Many years ago bought this guitar from a friend, now i brought back from the attic. It's in very good conditions and sounds good, but i have no friend doesen't remember about this guitar...Could you help me identify this guitar? It has Westone logo but no identification number, and then these weird pickups...and a detail i didn't know about the first fret. It seems that the space above the first fret is a feature of Japanese guitars to keep the tuning. Thanks to whose who can help me!What a model this Westone is? 15721112
What a model this Westone is? 15721110
What a model this Westone is? 15721111
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by princeton Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:28 am

hi, can't say for certain but the headstock and general appearance of your guitar put me in mind of the 60s Vox strollers etc originally made in the UK but later, due to increased popularity and demand they were made by EKO in italy as well. according to wiki the westone brand started out with guitars made in germany and italy and on second looks there is a definite similarity to old EKO necks with that zero fret and plastic nut arrangement so possibly made close to home in recant at the EKO factory?
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by Claudio.esp Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:21 pm

First of all, thank you so much for your reply Princeton! I had also imagined that it could be an EKO production, a couple of guitarists much older than me instead showed me this as a guitar of Japanese origin.
There's a detail I can't really find information on, those pickups I've never seen on any guitar. By chance, could you tell me which brand they are?
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by princeton Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:34 pm

aha, well that's were it definitely gets confusing because they look like a black variant of the pickups i have on an old german made Klira. maybe the Westone company at the time got the bodies and necks made by EKO in italy but used pickups made by Klira in germany, it would tie in with what i read on wiki as well? here's a link to a Klira i saw on eBay and you'll see the similarity i think:
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by Barry Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:51 pm

AFAIK that Westone script logo would establish this as an Italian made product. Thinking

Can't speak to the pickups but they do appear to be "gold foils" which should have a tasty tone to them.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
What a model this Westone is? Guitar10
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by princeton Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:12 pm

actually, i just looked a bit closer at the pics of the Klira link i sent you and the headstock looks much the same shape. do you have a pic of the machine heads and neck plate you can add to see if they match the Klira (or maybe they'll resemble Eko parts form the sane era)?
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by princeton Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:24 pm

i should add BTW that it's a very cool old Westone branded guitar, whatever its origin.
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by Westbone Sat Nov 02, 2019 6:14 pm

Could possibly be German??? going by the 'westone' logo

Have a look here.
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by The Chad Sat Nov 02, 2019 8:10 pm

That one's a first for me! Really cool looker. How's the quality?
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by Claudio.esp Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:59 pm

@Princeton, in fact the pickups are very similar, and machine heads and neck plate have no identifying elements, anyway i'll post more pics
@ Westbone, thanks but cannot be reached, some week ago i looked for info on this site, then i decided to address the enthusiasts, the true guardians of secrets and history!
@Chad, sounds good! keeps the tuning and in the opinion of a couple of musicians and retailers, it sounds almost like a Red Special! Personally i can't confirm it because i never played a Red Special!! 
I'm just a strummer but the sound is warm and pleasant and with a good amplification it can even become bad. I think the best is with the neck pickup.
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by Barry Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:13 pm

Claudio.esp wrote:...thanks but cannot be reached, some week ago i looked for info on this site, then i decided to address the enthusiasts, the true guardians of secrets and history!...
Claudio, just so you are aware, is our website. Wink

Are you having trouble seeing it? It is definitely up and running.
Perhaps you tried to access it when I was upgrading some of the software. That temporarily puts it into Maintenance mode.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
What a model this Westone is? Guitar10
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by Claudio.esp Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:19 pm

Hi Berry, i'm sorry i meant to say that since i didn't find info on the pages i decided to join the forum
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by Claudio.esp Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:23 pm

What a model this Westone is? 15728912
What a model this Westone is? 15728911What a model this Westone is? 15728912
What a model this Westone is? 15728911
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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by Barry Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:27 pm

OK Claudio, grazie! Smile

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
What a model this Westone is? Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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What a model this Westone is? Empty Re: What a model this Westone is?

Post by princeton Mon Nov 04, 2019 2:21 pm

hi claudio, that neck plate definitely looks like EKO to me!
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