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Westone X350 today's value ?

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Westone X350 today's value ? Empty Westone X350 today's value ?

Post by DanTM Sun Jun 18, 2017 11:09 am

Hello there !

I am just wondering what a realistic price for a Westone Pantera X350 (fixed bridged version) would be today ?

Let's say the guitar is in very good condition and comes with its original case.

Thank you very much
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 52
Location : Munich
Registration date : 2016-01-19

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Westone X350 today's value ? Empty Re: Westone X350 today's value ?

Post by Westbone Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:52 pm

There's two versions, active and passive.
Only the tone control is active and acts like an eq. 
There's no way of telling until you open up the control cover.
I'd say the active is worth more.
As for the price, 'in very good condition' without seeing the actual guitar means not a lot.
Some are highly figured timber and some not so both front and back.
Have any photos?
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Westone X350 today's value ? Empty Re: Westone X350 today's value ?

Post by Adey Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:37 pm

DanTM wrote:Hello there !

I am just wondering what a realistic price for a Westone Pantera X350 (fixed bridged version) would be today ?

Let's say the guitar is in very good condition and comes with its original case.

Thank you very much

Didn't you buy one recently?

Are you sellimg it, or just found another?
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Location : Horsham, UK
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Westone X350 today's value ? Empty Re: Westone X350 today's value ?

Post by DanTM Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:27 pm

Yes, I bought one recently and I am not thinking about selling it. I am just wondering in general about it's value.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 52
Location : Munich
Registration date : 2016-01-19

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Westone X350 today's value ? Empty Re: Westone X350 today's value ?

Post by corsair Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:45 pm

Value questions are nearly always purely subjective when it comes to guitars; unless you have a name guitar with a proven, documented provenance, then it's worth only what someone is prepared to pay for it.
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Westone X350 today's value ? Empty Re: Westone X350 today's value ?

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