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Westone prestige 250

The Chad
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:04 pm

Hi everyone.
First post Smile
I've been playing on and of for a while, guitar isn't my first instrument.
A few years ago I bought a prestige from auction, I believe this model was made in 82, can't be sure.

I've got a couple of other nice guitars, but recently got the old westone out of the loft to try some jazz. I'd forgotten how good the quality of this instrument was.

Can anyone give me some info on these instruments, pickups etc.
I was thinking of selling the old girl, but I'm now in two minds. It seems pretty special.

Much appreciated.

This instrument is like new, 30 plus years old.
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by The Chad Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:24 pm

The top of the line for Westone.   Does the serial number start with 82?  If so, then yes. 

Pickups may be different things, my '83 has MMK75's in it.  Though some had MMK53's that I've seen.  Pop them out quick and see the stamp on the bottom.  53's have more bite, 75's more suited for Jazz as you've already played! 

Excellent instruments, pretty rare though able to be found.  Where are you located?

Did you have specific questions? 
Check this...
The Chad
The Chad
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:46 pm

Thanks very much. 
The seriel number is 2092423. That's confusing as the seriel number doesn't contain the year. 
After looking at your link, mine is the earlier model. 

I'll check those pickups out. 

I'm in London, bought the guitar from an auction near home. 

I'll post some pics a little later.
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:57 pm

Westone prestige 250 2016-018
Westone prestige 250 2016-019
Westone prestige 250 2016-017
Westone prestige 250 2016-020
Westone prestige 250 2016-021
Westone prestige 250 2016-023
Westone prestige 250 2016-022
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:17 pm

Westone prestige 250 2016-025
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:51 pm

Sorry about the pictures, you'll have to turn your phone sideways lol. 

So after reading through some posts, it seems I found a Stradivarius in the loft. Smile
It's looking like a keeper.
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Barry Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:37 pm

Hello and welcome here!
Yep you have a beauty there, and she's an '82 build. (Have a look at the front page of our web site for information on serial numbers)

That's a nice group of gits you have there. I especially like the Music Man. Do they not have the best damn tremolos? And necks!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Westone prestige 250 Guitar10
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Catalyst Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:10 am

Welcome Rialas, nice guitars....and I'm calling DIBS should you ever feel the need to part with that scruffy looking Westone  Wink
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:48 am

Barry wrote:Hello and welcome here!
Yep you have a beauty there, and she's an '82 build. (Have a look at the front page of our web site for information on serial numbers)

That's a nice group of gits you have there. I especially like the Music Man. Do they not have the best damn tremolos? And necks!
Thank you, that has helped, as it begins with a 2, it confirms 82. Cheers.
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:50 am

Thanks everyone for the welcome. 

Very happy to be amongst a group of enthusiasts. 

When I bought this guitar, I already had the Godin, which I used for some home recording, so just kept the westone in a case and it eventually ended up in the loft. 

I play Bouzouki, but more recently decided to take up the guitar more seriously, hence the purchase of the two musicmans and my new found passion for guitars. 

Then I thought I'd treat myself to a practice amp, whilst searching ebay, found a little amp called a zinky, a fantastic little low wattage amp so you can drive those valves. The guy happened to be selling US strat at a great price, couldn't walk away from a deal, so there you go, three guitars in three weeks!!
The wife was promised a handbag, a maybe a ring lol. 

The Westone Prestige holds its own against the others, pushing the amp even hotter, which gives it a really warm tone.

It's earnt itself a stay of execution. Smile

Thanks again. 
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by The Chad Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:14 am

It is SO pretty!!!  AH!!! 

What were those pickups?!
The Chad
The Chad
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:56 am

The Chad wrote:It is SO pretty!!!  AH!!! 

What were those pickups?!
Thank you.  75s, Jazz it is then Very Happy cheers  
Westone prestige 250 2016-026
Westone prestige 250 2016-027
Westone prestige 250 2016-028
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:31 am

Treated the old girl to some schaller lock straps to keep her safe. Had to be gold😃.
And a new amp to get the best out of her.   😎

Westone prestige 250 B6ED847A-40E1-420A-B7B4-574E63F3C0E9
Westone prestige 250 6CDF14F8-4B6C-45C1-9825-4574FD76E099
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by The Chad Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:34 am

Oh my, doesn't get a whole lot better than that.  Enjoy it!
The Chad
The Chad
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Barry Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:21 pm

I'll just be over here, wiping the drool from my chin... Drool!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Westone prestige 250 Guitar10
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:03 pm

Barry wrote:I'll just be over here, wiping the drool from my chin... Drool! 

Very Happy

I feel bad that the other two recent purchases are hardly being played right now. 

My first "go to" instrument now is the strat, as it isn't too heavy and then the Westone. The pickups are so hot, they really drive the amp into saturation. It's nearly double the output of the other guitars, and the notes just sustain for ever. 

Small issue, the bridge pickup volume doesn't turn down with the volume pot when the pickup selector is selected to the rear. 
This is obviuolsy not how it should behave? A bit confused. It sort of turns the tone down a little.

The two volume pots are one for each pickup? Surely.
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Westbone Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:40 am

Just to confirm.
The bridge pup volume is the lower white figured knob??
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:24 am

Westbone wrote:Just to confirm.
The bridge pup volume is the lower white figured knob??
Yes, the lower one nearest the neck.
The other lower one near the bridge is the tone for sure as it has the indent at the centre position.
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Westbone Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:29 am

That's the one indeed.

Give it a shot of switchcleaner. Not WD40.

If no luck check here.

Last edited by Westbone on Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:31 am

Westbone wrote:That's the one indeed.

Give it a shot of switchcleaner. Not WD40.

If no luck check here.
Thanks, I will do. 
Cheers. Costa.
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by LanceT Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:23 am

The Chad wrote:The top of the line for Westone. 

So this begs the question, for those not so much in the know, is there a list of how the various Westone models are categorized?

As far as I know, nothing in the forum here or in the guitar model lists note this type of distinction.

So I'm not completely thread jacking, lovely Prestige indeed!!
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:49 am

LanceT wrote:

So this begs the question, for those not so much in the know, is there a list of how the various Westone models are categorized?

As far as I know, nothing in the forum here or in the guitar model lists note this type of distinction.
if you look at the catalog scans, you can see which models are the "top of the line"

while it is a matter of personal preference which is "best", there are some models that are built to a very high quality and command the highest respect (and price). undoubtedly the Prestige model bears that name for a reason.
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Thu May 19, 2016 4:47 pm

My westone has a buddy. Smile

£300 ebay. Can't believe I was the only bidder. 
Westone prestige 250 2F5D9342-2EDA-4A78-B19B-C011228B00E1
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Sgt. Vimes Fri May 20, 2016 1:18 pm

I can believe it! 
Really glad you like it, but that is one hideous blingfest!
Sgt. Vimes
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Barry Fri May 20, 2016 1:35 pm

Tree of life fret boards seemed to be popular for awhile there and I don't really know why. Beautiful workmanship for sure, but I found it very difficult to locate myself on the neck.
Maybe that's just me.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Westone prestige 250 Guitar10
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Fri May 20, 2016 2:31 pm

Sgt. Vimes wrote:I can believe it! 
Really glad you like it, but that is one hideous blingfest!
Yes, it's kinda chavy lol. 

I have a Bouzouki with a tree of life, hence why I fancied getting it. 
Agree, it's very 70's 80's, and my newer Bouzoukis, are very simple and classier. 

But the workmanship on this instrument is (dare I say it), even higher than my westone, and it's immaculate. 

Anyhow, you can call me Liberace. 
Westone prestige 250 F8B9E188-C86C-4FFD-B009-1BB4751CFEB0
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Fri May 20, 2016 2:38 pm

How about this for bling. Waiting with eager anticipation. 
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Westone prestige 250 16FA7B29-7933-4D0A-A851-C79E6B3B6775
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Westbone Fri May 20, 2016 3:04 pm

Great guitars! Quite easy to get used to the tree fretboard just look at the flowers...Laughing...they're where the markers usually are.
A buddy of mine who's played a real Les Paul for years picked this up played it a few seconds and said "Gibson" these things sound very good indeedy.
Won't mention what I paid for this it'll make you cry but it was cheap...Smile
Westone prestige 250 DSCF9082_zps7hkv0tnz
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

Post by Rialas Fri May 20, 2016 3:11 pm

Snap!!! Yeahhh . Another man with impeccable taste. Smile
The quality is up there with my musicmans, and I paid a fair bit more for those, so can't complain. Wink
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Westone prestige 250 Empty Re: Westone prestige 250

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