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Westone Prestige 227

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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Westone Prestige 227

Post by Supernaut Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:47 am

Hello all, found this in the garage. Gave it a quick spruce up...

Westone Prestige 227 Guitar12
Westone Prestige 227 Guitar11
Westone Prestige 227 Guitar13

Haven't played it in yonks - bought it off my pal near 20 years ago before he moved away. I remember him telling me it was worth a bit when he bought it which would've been some time in the late 80s I'm guessing.

Anybody know how much it'd be worth now? It seems a shame to keep it and not use it. Pickups and knobs [including the two pull-out tone knobs] all working as they should. In spite of the fact that the tone is pretty decent generally, I never was able to keep tune on the G string.

Any thoughts would be appreciated either on how to keep the strings in tune and/or how much the guitar might be worth.
Many thanks,
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by bowenjaybee Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:31 am

Very nice..the last Prestige I saw on ebay UK went for £400+ .... they are a bit of a holy grail for some members on here....your 227 is a high end model and looks in great condition so I'd say it's worth £450 - £500...
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by Supernaut Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:04 am

I appreciate your wisdom on that bowenjaybee, that's interesting to know, many thanks!

I don't play much electric at all nowadays, though I might've done if it hadn't been such a losing battle to keep the Prestige holding its tune esp on the G string, lol. I'm not sure if anybody would know whether that's a common issue or if it's rectifiable?

Was wondering too about that lack of tremolo arm. I know it was bought without one [for some reason?] Can I fit just the arm on its own or would it need a complete new trem unit?

Not sure what I'm doing with the guitar, just found it looking a wee bit forlorn in the garage and thought I'd at least bring it inside out of the winter cold Smile

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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by corsair Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:20 am

Oooohhh... trouser accident!! Blueburst Prestige... now, that's yummy!!! Laughing Just beautiful, man.... don't sell it; hang onto it!! You'll never, ever find one that'll play like that, sound like that and look like that for less than 4 figures. End of story. Cool

Bar is a 6mm item and can be found at Stewmac or similar under "import" bars...

I notice your bridge is sitting down at the back; these are designed to float; I have mine sitting ever-so slightly taildown and am in the process of fitting Goldo Backboxes to everything I own; they make a difference, let me tell you, to tuning stability - find my Spectrum LX thread for some more info...
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by Westbone Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:16 pm

That's one sweet looking guitar, I know what they sound like, sweet.
These do fit, part no. TABDCS, all be it silver. Better be quick as spares are closing 8th Dec.
There is quite a difference between Prestige 227 and 250. 250's might go for 450-500+ but the 227 are different timbers and controls. Here's a 227 of ebay about a year ago for £225. immaculate with a case. The 227's are a lot brighter in tone due to being made from Alder- maple cap. 250's mahogany. Completly different tone controls.
Westone Prestige 227 Pb301288

Westone Prestige 227 Pb301292

Westone Prestige 227 Pb301294

The black one's original, silver one from spares, from the inside of bend to end of thread is approximately 48-50mm. The bottom one's from a Strat, just for comparison
If you want to part with your 'Blue' I've some greenbacks.
Very nice guitar.
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by hoax Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:28 pm

Is that your kitchen Westbone?

Is that your Prestige?

I'll give you 225. Give me a call!!

Call it 228 if you throw in the kitchen.


(I only drink on Tuesdays and Saturdays)
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by Westbone Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:00 pm

Yes Graham, has the best light for a photo.
Just to the right is a fridge that looks after the wine, not for long though. Best room in the house.
Enjoy your teusday, takes me 3 days to recover aswell.
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by Barry Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:07 pm

Supernaut wrote:Hello all, found this in the garage...
You're killing me here! All I find in my garage is garbage cans. Crying or Very sad
It's so beautiful. Westone Prestige 227 Smiley-cool14

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Westone Prestige 227 Guitar10
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by corsair Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:01 am

Barry wrote:
Supernaut wrote:Hello all, found this in the garage...
You're killing me here! All I find in my garage is garbage cans. Crying or Very sad
It's so beautiful. Westone Prestige 227 Smiley-cool14

Hear, hear!! Sad
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by Supernaut Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:46 am

corsair and Westbone, thank you for the information, it's very much appreciated!

corsair, yes I've tried every permutation including the lie of the bridge, removing the little bar on the headstock and many sets of strings to get the Prestige to hold its tune. I don't believe there's anything defective. Well, except me lol. I can't figure it out, which is why I'm getting to the point of selling it so someone else might have more luck.

Re finding it in the garage, alas that's where it got relegated to years ago after not managing to get it to behave for me. I don't [probably can't is a better word, lol] play much electric.

Thanks again all for your advice.
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by bowenjaybee Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:07 am

Westbone wrote:There is quite a difference between Prestige 227 and 250. 250's might go for 450-500 but the 227 are different timbers and controls. Here's a 227 of ebay about a year ago for £225. immaculate with a case. The 227's are a lot brighter in tone due to being made from Alder- maple cap. 250's mahogany. Completly different tone controls.

Sorry I should do my homework before giving advise on what a guitar is worth..

speaking of Prestige guitars.... LOOK HERE
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Westone Prestige 227 Empty Re: Westone Prestige 227

Post by corsair Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:14 am

Supernaut wrote:I've tried every permutation including the lie of the bridge, removing the little bar on the headstock and many sets of strings to get the Prestige to hold its tune. I don't believe there's anything defective.

They can be finicky bloody things and no mistake, I grant you that!! Rolling Eyes You've tightened up the tension on the trem claw to balance the bridge? Putting another spring on often helps, as does putting heavy gauge strings on. The trem setter I put on my Spectrum LX was an instant fix; brilliant so there's your last resort; if that don't work after putting on a extra spring, heavies and tweaking the claw, then I'm at a loss - you do need the stringlocks for stability, and a tiny, incy-wincy little bit of Nut Sauce or similar on the string bearing surfaces - nut slots, saddles - is also a good idea...
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