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what bass is this?

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what bass is this?  Empty what bass is this?

Post by andriq Tue May 13, 2014 11:23 pm

Somebody is offering this bass to me. A nice looking one I'd say. Mint condition. He is telling me it was made by Matsumoku but I cannot be so sure. Looks more like those made in Korea but still there are some details that make it different (like the switches or the fretboard dots). Are those made by Koreans still good if so it were?
what bass is this?  _2010

what bass is this?  _20_110
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what bass is this?  Empty Re: what bass is this?

Post by corsair Wed May 14, 2014 1:52 am

Looks like an SPB311 to me... yeah; Korean made but probably a good guitar - I have a couple of Koreans here and like them lots!!

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