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MMK 45 pickup wiring

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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by andriq Mon May 05, 2014 11:33 am

Hi there I have two MMK 45 pups I want to install on a guitar with a 2 HB 1 SC 5way switch 1 VPot/1 TPot configuration. But I find myself clueless on how to put em together. I thought I was going to be able to do it myself just by downloading any diagram from the web but the schemes does not match what I have. Besides the SC I have (which is not MMK)has those Phase/reverse cables which I cannot see how will be connected with the MMK's.
I've found on this site this info which I believe most be the same as for my pups:

  "The red's for a coiltap.

  They're off a Dynasty, Spectrum GT type guitar.

  White is hot on the neck, red for coil tap, sheild for ground

  White and green are for phase reverse, red for tap on bridge."
My idea is to use push/push pots I found on GFS guitars. But when trying to find more info about coiltapping the HBs they just said that is only possible with SCs. So I am confused. Besides most wiring diagrams for coilsplitting HB come illustrated with 4 wires coming from the pups.
What these  cables I have really do then?
Is it possible that the guy who posted that confused coiltap for splitcoils or is it that these MMKs were an exception?

Does any body has I diagram that may share to connect my pups so that they sound and fonction properly the way I want?
I'd really appreciate that.

MMK 45 pickup wiring Imag0010
MMK 45 pickup wiring Imag0012
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by gittarasaurus Mon May 05, 2014 11:47 am

how about a pic of the single coil pickup too?
i can make you wiring diagram
just need some specific details
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by andriq Mon May 05, 2014 12:01 pm

That will be so cool!
I took a few more pics. Right now it all is a bit messy. The SC is one of those lipstick style made by GFS. It is the only direct SC I have at hand. And I am curious about how it sounds. It has a red and white wire coming out and the ground of course.

MMK 45 pickup wiring Imag0013
MMK 45 pickup wiring Imag0014
MMK 45 pickup wiring Imag0015
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by gittarasaurus Mon May 05, 2014 12:50 pm

GFS lipstick pickups sound great
classic old-style bluesey kind of sound
i built a strat with a set of 'em
MMK 45 pickup wiring Ry%3D400
white/red/shield on the middle pickup, okay that is normal 
are you going to use 1 or 2 push/pull pots?
what exactly do you want to do with the p/p pots?
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by andriq Mon May 05, 2014 1:03 pm

Yeah, those pups have that different look.

Well my idea is to split each HB with 2 pots (Volume/Tone respectively.) And have the regular 5 switch positions.

1-Bridge only (with push/push switch spliting)
2-bridge (with push/push spliting )& middle
3-Middle only
4-Middle & Neck (with push/push spliting)
5-Neck only (with push/push spliting )

But now I am not sure if it is possible with the wires of these pickups I have.
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by gittarasaurus Mon May 05, 2014 3:09 pm

one p/p to split neck pickup (volulme)
one p/p to split bridge pickup (tone)
typical 5-way switching

it can be done with the pickups you have
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by andriq Mon May 05, 2014 3:18 pm

That sounds good!

Can you really send me that diagram? As I said before all diagrams I found look so different and to be honest this is the first time I am going to try this. Never installed any pickups before. I am just waiting for the parts to be delivered and I will do it myself.
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by gittarasaurus Mon May 05, 2014 3:33 pm

watch this thread and i'll post a drawing in the near future

wiring is not that hard to do, just need to pay attention to details
after a little practice and you're going to want to hot-wire all your guitars! Laughing
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by Westbone Mon May 05, 2014 10:18 pm

All donations  accepted for the kind help on your project.
Cost you a few $$'s at your local guitar shoppe!

No wonder guitar stores are closing down!!   Evil or Very Mad
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by andriq Tue May 06, 2014 12:30 am

That little face says everything...

Like it or not the world is changing. Still the best artisans deserve all of our respect. They will never disappear.
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by Westbone Tue May 06, 2014 3:17 am

The comment wasn't aimed at you personally. Just in general.

What would we do without the interwebthingy?

And yes artisans are disappearing because no one bothers to learn for themselves, just click a button and there you go... Evil or Very Mad If the webthingy goes we'll be up to our necks in dog dirt! because not too many would have the 'nouse to do things for themselves.

Hence Maccy D's have to warn folks that coffee is hot... Rolling Eyes

Just a lighthearted comment... Very Happy
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by andriq Tue May 06, 2014 6:42 am

The thing is this, at some workshops it sometimes happens that they not just charge for a job that sometimes it seems is not what they like to do but they act like they don't have the time for that kind of stuff. The economical situation demands way more, yes. But I'd say that a workshop is not only a place to make money, it is also a place to deal with clients.
I had a series of not so smooth experiences where I was charge half of my day of salary for something that was not going to take more that an hour work and the guy acted like he had no time for that sort of jobs.
I haven't just solved a lot of issues on my guitars myself thanks to web communication.
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by corsair Tue May 06, 2014 7:30 am

There are some guitar repairmen I've dealt with in the past that have blatantly ripped me off, or taken advantage of my cluelessness for their own gain and yet one or two have restored my faith in people by going above and beyond, so to speak.
In fact, I just made use of the local bloke to cut a nut for me and on chatting with him, he reckoned there was no shortage of work at the moment...
So, i have no problem information sharing through this medium, and, if they're honest, most luthiers won't care much either; there's still work out there and communities like this are, in the big picture, pretty small potatoes, eh!
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by Westbone Tue May 06, 2014 12:45 pm

Firstly there is just about every wiring configuration you can think of if you can be bothered to  look for it on the net. Every major pickup manufacturer also has a vast amount of diagrams for their own stuff.
All folks have to do is put themselves out and learn to read it.

Not many shop owners will say that business is bad. Unless you happen to know them fairly well.
It's just not good for business.

Now 3 guitar shops have closed in the last 2 years locally. All blaming the internet. They cannot survive on selling setups,repairs and accessories and the odd guitar.
Many shops sub out repair work. I know I do a lot of it for guitar shops, private folks and even cash converters..
The down side of the shops that have gone missing is that young aspiring musicians who'd meet in these places and on occasions even form a band or two and buy a guitar(s) or an amp(s) possibly and return to look at new gear and meet friends.
That's what the internet has caused the demise of locally.

So in the bigger picture it's a whole pocket of potatoes.
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by Barry Tue May 06, 2014 2:42 pm

I have to admit that I'm becoming a tad nervous for us too, well for Bob the owner at least. This past year has been bad compared to the previous 2. Not even an uptick at Christmas.

He's carrying a lot less general/mid level stock and concentrating on the high end stuff. Sales are OK but sporadic. Same thing with repairs. Some days I'm rushed off my feet, other days we're looking at each other.

And even with Internet guidance a lot of the would be do-it-yourselfers end up in tears and bring the pieces in for "fixing". Hate those jobs.

The main issue for us with the Internet is that a lot of the big names are now selling online via large department stores and electronic stores. The customers come in to try out a Gibson/Epiphone/Fender/Squier then order the damn thing online. The result is that we're concentrating more on brands that are not carried online, like Martin, Taylor, Music Man, Gretsch, etc. Makes for a lot of inventory overhead.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by andriq Wed May 07, 2014 1:26 am

Well, it is not that they are trying to sabotage local entrepreneurs by not buying from them. It is just that the bad economical situation is hitting to everyone. People is trying to save a few bucks somehow.
Now, the internet offer could be just an illusion and many people don't realize yet.
You can find that the price is lower on a web store but then the story doesn't end there. There are shipping expenses, duties if from abroad, taxes in certain provinces, etc. And in many occasions you don't have the opportunity to go try it at the locals' because probably they just don't sell that particula item. So once you have it in your hands (if web purchased) it has happened that it was not what you had expected. A total disappointment. If you try contacting the Big Corps they will tell you they have no idea why this or that or whatever the issue is you are asking. The answer can take weeks. What then? You need to either try to sell it for a fraction of all that money you spent or spend still money to pay for the return shipping and the re-stock fees. Not a pleasant experience, you see?

What the problem has been at local stores after what I've seen is that sometimes they have people working which when you ask them something they will not know and sometimes the will tell a lie just to cover up.  For them it is a cool job it seems. Yes, they are younger. The owners and the people who made that business grow belong to a generation where things were completely different. The 70s 80s or even the 90s. Things have change and not only Guitar shops are experiencing the downfall. The viral spread of information has affected almost every corner of the world.

Now this post has got a little twisted. By no means I pretended to have somebody else do the homework for me to go get the higher grades. But as mentioned above, all companies offer diagrams with all sort of configurations. But I've got this pups of which I hardly found any info at all. Came to this site (thanks to the internet BTW) and what I found got me confused. So if a diagram is to much to ask for, could anybody at least just clarify what my first question was? What those cables really do? Tap or split? And I also said why I asked.
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by corsair Wed May 07, 2014 3:39 am

Westbone wrote:
The down side of the shops that have gone missing is that young aspiring musicians who'd meet in these places and on occasions even form a band or two and buy a guitar(s) or an amp(s) possibly and return to look at new gear and meet friends.
That's what the internet has caused the demise of locally.

Yep; that's certainly a huge loss and I remember with some affection the owner/operators of music shops in Dunedin and Christchurch in New Zealand when I was growing up that allowed the miserable little urchins who used to lurk about to lay hands and fumble around on equipment we'd never be able to afford to buy then, eh!!

However, people are still meeting friends and sharing musical influences etc. even though the mom & pop stores are slowly shutting down world wide, and that's not just an internet thing; that's a global marketing and retail monopoly thing, combined with aggressive product placement of musical gear in supermarkets such as Aldi here in Australia, and JB Hi-fi as well... we all know how that ends, don't we!?

And isn't this a trend we've seen before with bookshops? The likes of Amazon - who also sell guitar parts online! - and Fishpond was supposed to spell the death knell for bookshops, and while some have indeed gone tits-up, others are flourishing because they have diversified into areas that complement their core activity, such as offering 'coffee and a bun' type of arrangements?!

Online shopping was a boon for us when we lived in the back of beyond in NZ and also when we lived on Jersey in the Channel Islands because if the local lads didn't have something, it could be bought online from the UK or Europe, and the nearest local shop when we lived in outback NZ was an hour away... with no guarantee that the shop would have what you were seeking.

I try to shop locally and support the local merchants of all stripes, but gee; the conglomerates don't make it easy when they offer equipment and material at between 50 & 75% less than the little local guy!!
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by gittarasaurus Wed May 07, 2014 12:49 pm

neck pickup;
white - output
red - center tap
shield - ground

bridge pickup;
white - output
red - center tap
green - coil ground*
shield - ground
* the bridge pickup is built so that it can be wired to a phase reverse switch and still have a shielded cable for reduced noise. if no phase reverse function is used, then the white output of the bridge pickup will be in phase with the white output of the neck pickup

i'm still working on a diagram for you...
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by Westbone Wed May 07, 2014 2:02 pm

Tap and split in the MMk 45's case are the same thing.
Your red is the tap/split lead.

Your single coil has a ground a beginning and an end(red + white)
Check the GFS site for a diagram.
Either one will be soldered to the ground lead the other is the live.
There are various combinations you can have with a 5 way.

Here's one.
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by gittarasaurus Wed May 07, 2014 8:31 pm

here is a pencil sketch…
MMK 45 pickup wiring Ry%3D400
wiring for the middle pickup is just a guess, you might need to reverse the red and white wires.
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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by andriq Thu May 08, 2014 7:23 am

I guess I will just ask the guys at GFS if necessary.

One positive thing about these forums is that the information is shared to somebody else if needed in the future. That's how I found how to solve may issues that required just a few minutes attention.

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MMK 45 pickup wiring Empty Re: MMK 45 pickup wiring

Post by andriq Wed May 14, 2014 10:45 am

Hi there,
I am still waiting for those pots to wired the pickups the way I want. Yet I wired them the way I have it all set up now. Damn those pups sound killer! But the middle SC, even though it sounds great, its output cannot reach those levels. It feels like a gap in the middle. Which one would you use instead in that position?
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