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x390DBK wiring - w push button pickup selector

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x390DBK  wiring - w push button pickup selector Empty x390DBK wiring - w push button pickup selector

Post by Lance Reichert Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:53 am

Greetings folks,

I'm the second owner of this awesome guitar, purchased sometime the early 1990's. About ten years ago I decided to replace the bridge pickup with a (Seymore Duncan Jeff Beck), and now I'd like to re-install the original pickup.

I have a comptent tech working on the guitar for me, but the replacement pickup had an extra wire, and the tech is a little baffeld by the push button setup. Any info / diagram or pickture of the original wiring would very very helpful.

I love this guitar and decided to keep it all original, in the case, played on occasion, or for recording etc.

TIA, Lance Reichert
Lance Reichert
Lance Reichert
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x390DBK  wiring - w push button pickup selector Empty Re: x390DBK wiring - w push button pickup selector

Post by gittarasaurus Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:21 pm

can you post up some pics? never seen a black one! you have a very rare and unique guitar there!

i would like to see the push button switches. it seems to be the only model built that way.
can you describe what the control setup is on the guitar. volume/tone/switches, pickups etc.

you can find info about wiring, for some of the models, at the westone info website but no diagram for your particular model.
wiring diagrams you may find some of it useful to understand the typical wiring schemes used on other models and it may help you figure out the switches

but as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words....
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x390DBK  wiring - w push button pickup selector Empty Re: x390DBK wiring - w push button pickup selector

Post by Guest Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:30 pm

I have a 390DBK as well, but unfortunately it does not have the original pickups.

Also mine has 2 mini toggle switches instead of the push buttons - I am not sure if the toggles are original or they were put in to replace the push buttons. But in the long run, they are just on/off switches.

Guitarasauras - the original switching as far as I can tell would be on/off for the push buttons, two volume (one for each pickup) and a single tone. I think the original PUPs were MMK75's but not 100% sure on that.

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x390DBK  wiring - w push button pickup selector Empty Re: x390DBK wiring - w push button pickup selector

Post by Lance Reichert Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:32 pm

This post has a pic though that's not mine. I should contact this guy (colt).
I'm refering to the black guitar in the middle of the three guitars.
Lance Reichert
Lance Reichert
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x390DBK  wiring - w push button pickup selector Empty Re: x390DBK wiring - w push button pickup selector

Post by Westbone Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:25 pm

First switch, coil tap, second phase reverse.

Same as toggle/pull/push type. Same connections.

Pretty straight forward.
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x390DBK  wiring - w push button pickup selector Empty Re: x390DBK wiring - w push button pickup selector

Post by colt933 Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:11 pm

I don't still have my DBK so I can't refer to it.

But, the push buttons are push-on-push-off for each pickup. They do not control phase or coil tap - those are the push-pull pots. I assume they would be wired the same way as a mini-toggle for on/off operation.

The JB is a standard 4-wire humbucker (black, green, white, red) + ground.

As I recall with the OFC pickups in the Pantera, one pickup has only 3 wires and the other has 4. I can't remember if it's the bridge or neck that has only 3 wires. Consider in the 3-wire version, that one of the wires is most likely the same thing as twisting the red and white wires together on the JB - which wires the coils in series. So when you short this 3rd wire to ground, you are shorting white/red and green wires of the JB to ground, thus completing the circuit of only one coil or splitting the coils. So the 3-wire pickup never gets its phase reversed.

The 4-wire pickup has 4 wires so that when split, the phase of its one active coil can be reversed. And the only time we would care if the phase was reversed is if we also had one coil of the other pickup active.

Aftermarket pickups need 4 wires + ground because they don't know how you want to wire it - so you have all options available to you. So Uncle Mat's use of one 3-wire and one 4-wire pickup makes a lot of sense - they knew what they were going to do.

I hope this helps.

Last edited by colt933 on Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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x390DBK  wiring - w push button pickup selector Empty Re: x390DBK wiring - w push button pickup selector

Post by Lance Reichert Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:46 pm

That does brother!!! - Thanks everybody for all the info. I'll let ya know how it goes.
Lance Reichert
Lance Reichert
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2012-09-06

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