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Washburn Hawk Brothers

Sgt. Vimes
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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by hoax Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:49 pm

Following on from my recent decision of buying only vintage guitars and lost causes in particular, I picked this up last week and it was a dog.

Jack input was chewed up and had been covered with a Les Paul style plate. The whole guitar had been badly sprayed with matt black paint.

I stripped it back, carried out repairs and managed to save its original trans black finish.

This one was made by Yamaki and is through neck and carved top.

In the last picture you will see how it compares with my flat top Matsumoku version.

Washburn Hawk Brothers S5000013_zps73595efd

Washburn Hawk Brothers S5000014_zps11b72769

Washburn Hawk Brothers S5000016_zps08fc6376

Washburn Hawk Brothers S5000015_zps786fd645

Washburn Hawk Brothers S5000017_zps27669f6c

I am pleased with the transformation after a couple of days work.

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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Re: Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:06 pm

Truly beautiful shape, why do people paint over such nice finishes?

nice score hoaxy
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Re: Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by Barry Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:38 pm

Why indeed. It is to weep, especially a Yamaki of all guitars.
Fortunately, there's always a little Hoax around to coax it back to life.


"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Washburn Hawk Brothers Guitar10
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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Re: Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by G.A.S. man Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:45 pm

nice score an safe Hoax mate...
Always loved the hawk an falcons.. Would love a A20 stage or one of the flying v's .....
G.A.S. man
G.A.S. man
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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Re: Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by PaulS Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:15 am

That is absolutely gorgeous.  To my eyes it has the most perfect symmetry of any guitar.

Which do you prefer - any notable difference between the Yamaki and Mats?
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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Re: Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by hoax Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:12 am


Yamaki is fairly heavy whereas the Matsumoku one is light as a feather (Swamp Ash)

The Yamaki has PAF style pickups whereas from memory, the Matsumoku has higher gain pickups

Action is better on Matsumoku and it is also brighter and louder unplugged.

Matsumoku has coil taps whereas Yamaki does not

I prefer the Matsumoku guitar as a player.

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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Re: Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by PaulS Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:07 am

Thanks for that.  *Very* interesting about the weight difference. 

An associated thought - I wonder if the Scavenger basses were made of both?  I had one - I understood it to be a Yamaki built - and it weighed more than one of Jupiter's moons so I moved it on.  Maybe there are some lightweight Mats built Scavenger basses out there somewhere?  Now *that* would be a bass I'd give a body part for.
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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Re: Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by hoax Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:33 am


Check the link. There is info on Washburn basses

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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Re: Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by PaulS Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:28 am

Thanks for the link.  I found that and had a read through when I first got my Scavenger bass, but that was a while back  Then I got a Raven to match it.  Then I sold them both!  Be nice to think there may be a lightweight Scavenger.  Or maybe I should just sell all my stuff to finance getting one made to look like it!
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Washburn Hawk Brothers Empty Re: Washburn Hawk Brothers

Post by The Chad Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:27 pm

Interesting on the differences!  Love these shapes, the necks "look" so comfortable.  Laughing Probably are.
The Chad
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