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Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose?

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Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose? Empty Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose?

Post by Mr. Sinister Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:03 am


     I have a question for the Westone Gods who reside here. I have my eye on a Lefty Spectrum LX, but it appears to have a Floyd Rose bridge as opposed to the Bendmaster which I believe was the standard. Anyone know whether Westone decided
to use the Floyd Rose instead of making a small amount of Bendmasters for leftys? It would seem to be cost effective to do that, but maybe someone just swapped out the Bendmaster on this particular guitar for a Floyd Rose? Any help would sure be appreciated.
Mr. Sinister
Mr. Sinister

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2013-07-03

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Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose? Empty Re: Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose?

Post by The Chad Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:11 am

Westone never used a real Floyd, it was a swap to get away from the Bendmaster FT.  The Floyd was not adjusted properly for intonation, hopefully it will intonate properly. 

That Floyd alone is worth $100.00.
The Chad
The Chad
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Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose? Empty Thanks!

Post by Mr. Sinister Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:02 pm

I appreciate the help... as a result I decided to pass on that one... if there are problems with adding a FR to a Spectrum I don't wanna be the guy that has to pay for it then deal with it. Thanks again!
Mr. Sinister
Mr. Sinister

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2013-07-03

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Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose? Empty Re: Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose?

Post by The Chad Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:52 pm

If I was a leftie looking for a Spectrum I'd go for it, actually.  That Floyd will most likely intonate, just looks like the guy didn't do it.  And if it doesn't, you can sell the Floyd and get another high quality tremolo system that'll still blow the pants off of the Bendmaster FT.
The Chad
The Chad
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Number of posts : 2772
Location : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2011-02-01

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Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose? Empty Re: Lefty Spectrum LX with a Floyd Rose?

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