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Villain Graphite

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Villain Graphite Empty Villain Graphite

Post by KC Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:48 pm

Hello you all..
on a local advertisement I saw a Villain Graphite Grey Metallic.
Stated as mint condition except a little scratch on the downside of the neck.
The tremolo even doesn't look relic on the picture and comes with original pu's.
The guy wants $215..seems a lucky shot, but I'll have to see first.
Is there any advice on things to look at especially for this model/neck?

Since the pu's seem to be not so nice, is there experience in alternatives, what is a good combination?

thanks in advance and I'll keep you updated
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Villain Graphite Empty Re: Villain Graphite

Post by The Chad Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:39 pm

Check the neck. Staring down towards the body, along the neck, from the head of the guitar, look down the neck to see if it's twisted, bowed excessively, or warped in any way.

You may like the pickups, never know. They're EMG Selects, a big thing at the time that fell away.
The Chad
The Chad
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