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Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

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Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Empty Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

Post by Brainfertilizer Wed May 23, 2012 7:15 pm

where's the facepalm smiley?

Heck, this works, too:
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Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Empty Re: Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

Post by Iceman Wed May 23, 2012 7:29 pm

The answer is right there in the listing title, BF.... "real road worn".

This ain't one of yer cheep, Indonesian knock-off road worns... it's the real deal Holyfield!! cheers
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Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Empty Re: Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

Post by Westbone Wed May 23, 2012 7:45 pm

That's the bluest road worn rosewood fretboard I've never seen cyclops
'The Price is Right' or 'king wrong.
'king hell that's a stinger.
If I had one I'd play the that price Suspect
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Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Empty Re: Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

Post by Brainfertilizer Wed May 23, 2012 8:57 pm

Not to mention, that's the maple-iest looking "mahogany" body and neck I've ever seen...
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Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Empty Re: Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

Post by Barry Wed May 23, 2012 9:17 pm

"Road worn" my RRR's! Dragged down the road more like. Poor battered baby. Sad
Scuffs and a thinned out finish is "worn". This is just impact damage, likely from deflecting beer bottle projections. Neutral

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Guitar10
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Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Empty Re: Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

Post by TVill25 Thu May 24, 2012 12:09 am

We all know the type. Your stuff is cheap and will give you peanuts for it. His stuff is gold and wants a fortune for it.
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Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Empty Re: Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

Post by The Chad Thu May 24, 2012 3:25 pm

lol! What is the seller thinking?! That isn't roadworn, that's NEGLECT! And the price... Shocked
The Chad
The Chad
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Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Empty Re: Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

Post by colt933 Thu May 24, 2012 3:42 pm

Why Do People Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word?

i dON'T kNOW!
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Road-worn?  Oh, hey, *that* explains the price... Empty Re: Road-worn? Oh, hey, *that* explains the price...

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