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~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

The Chad
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by drsyn67 Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:22 pm

Open topic / question: What's the longest road trip you've taken to pursue or purchase a guitar (Westone or other)? I keep finding Ws that are around 10hrs round-trip, and none of them are really worth it... but tempting, none the less. Just curious... "talk amongst yourselves - no big deal" (Coffeetalk SNL reference)...
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by corsair Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:18 am

Does getting someone on another continent to do the spadework count? Laughing
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by drsyn67 Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:59 am

Sure, why not. I was thinking in light of inflated gas prices, but you've probably got the best stories of all, some c'mon, let us have it!
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by corsair Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:26 am

Ok, then... Spectrum GT from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England to Waihola in the south of New Zealand, a distance of about 19,000km.
Aria Pro II Inazuma I from Los Angeles to Christchurch, New Zealand.... about half the above.

Last one never arrived...
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by drsyn67 Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:55 am

holycrap! "The last one never arrived" - there be pirates, here!
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by gittarasaurus Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:56 am

i drove 2 1/2 hours each way to purchase a 1970's Guild F412 blonde, to match my 1975 Guild F50 blonde. together they make a stunningly beautiful pair. spruce tops and maple sides and backs. (there is currently a listing on SFCraigslist for a pair similar to these and they are asking $2500.)
and on another day i drove 2 hours each way to pickup a hardshell case for the 12 string.
that was over 2 years ago and i don't regret it for one second. i figure that if you are going to keep and play the instrument for many many years, then a few hours on the road is no big deal, and easily forgotten. but the enjoyment of the guitars goes on and on and on....
~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Ry%3D400~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Ry%3D400
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by beavis Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:27 am

Was once looking forward to a 1hour road trip. Then I hit a massive (stress that) traffic jam and was stuck in it for 2h30. Parked the car, jumped on the first train and agreed with the seller to meet me at some small station in the middle of nowhere.

I was lucky the seller agreed to do the drive to join me. The whole thing took me a little under 4 hours. Not huge but the distance between my home and the seller's was about 50-60 miles, so that's a killer.
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by The Chad Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:22 am

Now I'm getting emotional... I'm a little verklempt... no big whoop. Laughing

Sometimes the distance driven is overshadowed by what you GIVE UP to make the trip.

I spent 5 hours getting my Dynasty, but it was DURING THE SUPERBOWL!!! So I missed it. Sad

Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
The Chad
The Chad
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by Barry Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:54 am

Those Guilds are beautiful Mike. ❤

I once taught with a guy back in the 70's who played one and it was a very impressive instrument. "My big thumpin' Guild" he called it.
We often did assemblies together, me with my MIJ El Degas "Dove" replica. Could hardly hear it over the Guild. Razz
Don't think I've seen one 'in the flesh' since.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Guitar10
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by Westbone Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:15 am

Those Guilds ARE very nice indeey.

Longest trip for a guitar, South Africa and back to the UK. That wasn't the only reason for the journey though.
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by gittarasaurus Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:57 am

i got the 6-string back in the early 80's from a good friend, who got it new in '75. it is the loudest acoustic guitar i have ever heard. it has amazing sound, full and rich. really sweet to play, but it takes work. the guitar plays best if it has medium strings on it, so got to have the fingers in good shape to really enjoy playing it.

for many years i had dreamed of pairing up the 6-string with a 12-string of the same model. the 12-string was on craigslist for about 2 months with no takers. it was killing me looking at it there all that time. eventually, i figured that 412 was probably the closest i would ever get to making a match, so i decided to go for it. i still haven't seen a 512 anywhere.

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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by grogg Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:04 pm

The Chad wrote:
I spent 5 hours getting my Dynasty, but it was DURING THE SUPERBOWL!!! So I missed it. Sad

During the ad break?
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by Iceman Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:51 pm

My first Westone was my black Concord I which my sister-in-law drove 80 miles into the San Diego area to meet the Craigslist seller to pick up for me. Then dropped it off at the UPS Store in Lakeside, CA and from there on to Minnesota.

Drove just shy of 700 miles on a Saturday down to Janesville, WI for the Electra JazzStrad and a MusicMan RD-112 One Hundred.

Picked up a Hondo Professional Lead II on ebay from Topeka, KS for Westbone and then sent it along to him from Minnesota.

Last but not least I THOUGHT I had a red x300 sown up in Thousand Oaks, CA for my sister there to pick up and send me... but Mike had different ideas. Evil or Very Mad
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by drsyn67 Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:57 pm

I'm lovin that Beavis almost had a threefer: <plane>, train & automobile.
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by beavis Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:53 am

drsyn67 wrote:I'm lovin that Beavis almost had a threefer: <plane>, train & automobile.

Ha yeah, I felt like Ethan Hunt, sort of. The seller, some sweet girl in her 20s was really cool though. I remember calling her up at some point after I had parked the car. Told her I was on the verge of tears I was so pissed off. Heehee, she must of thought I was wacko or something. And it wasn't easy getting the beast (MIJ strat replica, might post some pics of it, interesting guitar) as someone else was one it first. Anyway, happy end for me sunny
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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

Post by wemfender Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:40 am

Not sure if this is longest, but it is long, I spent a couple of years in Indonesia, ( Bandung city ) I had a guy in a small company make me a couple of guitars, generally copies of known brands, but made with my own mods, so I had a Gi*son L*s P**l mad for my friends son in Romania, It left Bandung with a mate of mine back to Prestwick ( Scotland ) and then was posted to Bucharest Romania, the guy loves it , his number one guitar, that was seven years ago.
Westone Nut

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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty longest trek...

Post by GtrGeorge! Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:09 pm

I can't recall what the longest trek for a guitar (I owned to many!!!!!!!!)..but for an amp..
(btwL regarding my mutliple guitars..nothing really expensive,mind motto is "If you can't make a $500 probably can't play).

So back OT......
My longest trek was for an amp...I drove 9 hrs each way and stayed over at a hotel. I wind up doing these treks every now and then,so...its a hobby/sickness/addiction.

That was for a Randall RM4 amp..they are quite Mats guitars...underappreciatted.

Westone Nut

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~ Longest road trip for a guitar? Empty Re: ~ Longest road trip for a guitar?

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