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Can you find the guitar in this picture?

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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by boutjp97 Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:40 pm

This is an amazing illusion. I had to look for hours before I found the guitar, yet my wife found it instantly. I was sitting there concentrating trying to find it, I figured it was one of those pictures that you had to stare at and then the hidden object appears after your eyes go a little crossed. My wife came into the room and found it instantly and my friend said his wife also found the guitar instantly. My wife had to help me find it, she kept telling me to look lower, lower, lower...Ahhhhh... there it is, a guitar. What an odd phenomenon women can see the guitar instantly but men can't. Perhaps some day science will be able to explain. Will technology ever be that advance I wonder.

Can you find the guitar in this picture? S19chi10
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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by silence86 Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:08 pm

nice eyes Can you find the guitar in this picture? Icon_cyclops Can you find the guitar in this picture? Icon_lol

looks a little bit like the axe bass gene simmons use(s/d?)...^^
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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by corsair Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:46 pm

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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by silence86 Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:51 pm

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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by Warrn Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:59 pm

A guitar version of the Simmons bass.

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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by Barry Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:19 pm

Women. Such a perceptive lot.
So, where's the guitar again? Can you find the guitar in this picture? Icon_rabbit

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Can you find the guitar in this picture? Guitar10
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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by corsair Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:44 pm

I wonder what they're like on the strap????? Can you find the guitar in this picture? Icon_bounce
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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by caucajun Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:43 am

what guitar?
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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:34 am

Hey guys,

All I see in that picture is a guitar... what else is in the picture, huh????
Can you find the guitar in this picture? Icon_scratch

Ah the joys of getting older, I reckon you guys need to pay more regular visits to your opticians!
Can you find the guitar in this picture? Icon_cyclops Can you find the guitar in this picture? Lol Can you find the guitar in this picture? Lol Can you find the guitar in this picture? Lol Can you find the guitar in this picture? Lol Can you find the guitar in this picture? Lol

Can you find the guitar in this picture? Icon_queen Can you find the guitar in this picture? Icon_flower

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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by caucajun Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:06 pm

they seem to be very good freinds.......maybe even sisters. they definately use the same orthodontist.

no guitar yet..........
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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by umpdv5000 Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:27 pm

Yup! But has anyone seen Cinderella?
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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

Post by caucajun Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:04 pm

if them's th' ugle kin have th' glass shoe i been hangin' onto! Can you find the guitar in this picture? Icon_bounce i iz stopped lookin'!
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Can you find the guitar in this picture? Empty Re: Can you find the guitar in this picture?

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