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Magnaflux wiring

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Magnaflux wiring Empty Magnaflux wiring

Post by The Guitar Tue Oct 15, 2024 12:09 pm

Helping someone to decode the wiring for the Magnaflux pickups so they can match it up to the pickup set they have.

Thanks in advance!  Cool
The Guitar
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Magnaflux wiring Empty Re: Magnaflux wiring

Post by corsair Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:56 pm

What exactly are you asking?? The pickup set that this refers to is the H/S/H that came in the Spectrums GT, FX, and LX amongst others, so the humbuckers should be MMK45s with a single coil. These were available from about late 84 through to the end of production in Japan.
This wiring diagram, though, should also work on most H/S/H setups…
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Magnaflux wiring Empty Re: Magnaflux wiring

Post by The Guitar Tue Oct 15, 2024 8:31 pm

What color wire is what for the pickups. Like the hot wire, series/split wire, and ground.
The Guitar
Westone Nut

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Magnaflux wiring Empty Re: Magnaflux wiring

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:49 pm

The Guitar wrote:What color wire is what for the pickups. Like the hot wire, series/split wire, and ground.
the wiring diagram on the website will show you what color wire is for what connection (notice that the diagram indicates that the black in the diagram is actually the white wire on the pickups )

on the neck pickup:
white wire is the output wire (hot)
red wire is the middle connection, used for coil splitting
the cable shield is connected to ground.

the bridge pickup:
this pickup is connected for phase reverse so the green and white wires are used to swap the output (hot) and the ground connection.
the red wire is the middle connection, used for coil splitting
the cable shield is connected to ground.

these wire colors are what you will find on some MMK45's. they were each made for specific purpose and so all MMK45's do not have the same wire colors. as you can see in the diagram, the neck pickup and the bridge pickup have different wires to connect.

the wire colors on other manufacturers pickups will be different.
if you want the same functions, you will need to identify the wires to each coil in the pickups used
this link is a place to start to figure that out...
>>pickup wire colors<<
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