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Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II

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Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II Empty Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II

Post by drsyn67 Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:17 pm

I read the difference between these two pickups on the Westone Info site, but it does not say what the difference is tonally (although it is impossible to accurately describe sound!). Just curious.... for those of you in-the-know... is there really much, if any, difference? For example, to compare a Spectrum LX with a Spectrum DX (the site indicates these two have the different pickups in-question). Thanks.
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Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II Empty Re: Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II

Post by corsair Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:47 am

AFAIK, Magnaflux was just the Westone nomenclature for MMK45s...
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Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II Empty Re: Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II

Post by Barry Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:52 am

I think that's correct John. However, when you toss in the confusion over the UBC's it may be the the I and II are used to differentiate somehow?

The MMK45's are the standard Mats pickup and highly desirable. They typically read around 11.5KΩ. The UBC's were an attempt at something different and they have their supporters and *ahem* detractors. They typically test out in the 6.5KΩ range. In other words, the resistance reading on a split coil MMK45 is roughly equal to a UBC in full humbucker mode!

That doesn't describe the tonal quality though.
I think most would describe the 45's generally as being full ranged, powerful and loud! A terrific all purpose gigging pup. The UBC's definitely cannot compete on this level, but you could argue that they possess more clarity and would be preferable in "quieter" circumstances or perhaps for recording.

Does that help? Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II 264707237

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II Guitar10
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Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II Empty Re: Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II

Post by drsyn67 Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:37 am

Thanks, fellas... interesting info. Wish it could help solve the "do I need another Spectrum?" conundrum... and I certainly DON'T need another black one. affraid

The MMK45s in my Workingman are certainly brighter & louder than the UBC in the Spectrum. Now it just comes down to self-control. (Insert thinking man emotocon).... "lets see, banged-up DX with ALL features intact at a nearly acceptable price"... Hmm....
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Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II Empty Re: Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II

Post by Barry Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:52 am

drsyn67 wrote:..."do I need another Spectrum?"...
Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II 3077217049 Silly boy.
Of course you do!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
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Number of posts : 8765
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Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II Empty Re: Magnaflux I vs. Magnaflux II

Post by drsyn67 Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:06 pm

This one is going to cost me about as much as the last black one... which was a nice price.
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