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Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011?

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Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Empty Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011?

Post by psafloyd Fri Aug 02, 2024 6:21 am

While a competent tech, I have limited electronics experience and wold benefit from someone explaining whether my idea will work. 

I have a fairly tired CL2011 which I am in the process of renovating (and finding parts for). 

This model for those who are unfamiliar, has two single coils – look like ceramic – and there are two mini toggles that turn each coil on or off. 

I can't believe these sound great. I will try them, but am considering an upgrade to two Alnico 5 blades. 

If I do that, it makes sense to have the versatility of humbucker and single coil sounds. So, as I have two holes switches, can I use two independent ON–OFF–ON switches to wire them as HB– OFF–single coil? 

And if so, what would the wiring on each pickup be? That's where I am struggling. 

Many thanks.
Westone Nut

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Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Empty Re: Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011?

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Aug 02, 2024 2:15 pm

this is from a website called Guitar
they sell parts too
Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Humbucker_Off_South_Coil__09460.1471922928
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Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Empty Re: Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011?

Post by psafloyd Wed Aug 07, 2024 10:04 am

Thanks very much. So I could have done it with SPDTs? Interesting. But as I have DPDTs, I'll try those. Thanks for sharing the information. gittarasaurus wrote:this is from a website called Guitar
they sell parts too
Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Humbucker_Off_South_Coil__09460.1471922928
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 39
Location : London
Registration date : 2016-06-07

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Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Empty Re: Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011?

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:59 pm

you will need a 3-position switch if you want to have an 'off' option

also, you should check your DPDT with a meter to confirm the configuration because some manufacturers make a 3-position/DPDT switch that can be wired for either middle 'off' or middle 'on' using the same switch
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Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Empty Re: Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011?

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:39 pm

here is a quick explanation of the difference between the different types of switches available

type 1- this is a very basic switch that is what it says, meaning double pole/ double switch. so 2 switches independent of each other but same operation as related to the position of the handle
Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Swm3connections__58521.1543854960

2. type 2- this switch is more versatile. you can see that when the handle is moved, not all the switches change position the same way

type 2 can be used in several different configurations to achieve the same or different result as type 1, depending on how you connect it

(the advantage to this switch is that the same switch can be used for different purposes so manufacturers can use the same part for many applications, simplifying the stocking of parts)
Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Swm2connections__30507.1546281944
this can be wired to be used as ON/OFF/ON even though the description is ON/ON/ON (because switches are closed in every position, as opposed to type 1 where all switches are open in the middle position)
here is a quick hand drawing of how to connect a humbucker for split/off/humbucker using a type 2 switch
Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? 00-h4rYz82ScDKmXss5jj8Qgc6phI1Pj6QvbkXh9nuQH-5V08c49fHWa7cwMdPw6UFR4xJ2Twu75QF_jizMkB1ZdA?cn=THISLIFE&res=large&ts=1723086209

also something to note is the physical position of the switch handle in relation to the position of the contacts
usually the handle position is opposite from the closed contact indicated in the diagram, so position 1 the handle would be down

Last edited by gittarasaurus on Thu Aug 08, 2024 3:11 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : specificity)
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Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011? Empty Re: Coil split with ON–OFF–ON DPDT mini switches on a Clipper CL2011?

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