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Used Electra Westone Phoenix at Music Go Round Kenosha WI only $200!

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Used Electra Westone Phoenix at Music Go Round Kenosha WI only $200! Empty Used Electra Westone Phoenix at Music Go Round Kenosha WI only $200!

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:28 pm

somebody can get a great deal here at only 200 bucks!
this one has the reverse burst style finish with white at the edges and dark in the center of the body
minimal damage to the body
the strap buttons have been changed for some kind of strap locks
the knobs have been changed, but these came with gibson speed knob style originally
looks like a metal cover plate for the electronics
the Electra Phoenix versions did not have string locks
a few covers missing on the tuners, but i would guess they work just fine
looks like original pickups and switch

has everything you need for a great sounding, great playing guitar!
probably won't last long at that price
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Used Electra Westone Phoenix at Music Go Round Kenosha WI only $200! Empty Re: Used Electra Westone Phoenix at Music Go Round Kenosha WI only $200!

Post by Barry Thu Mar 14, 2024 12:20 pm

Ohh, I love that finish! Drool!

Mats produced a few of these "reverse burst" finishes but they didn't seem to be promoted much from what I know.

I have a white Spectrum but it's plain snow white, very clean and dazzling, but this one appears to be metallic white which really adds something special and sparkles subtly through that fine dark fog centre. Quite unique.

Of course, a "Spectrum" by any other name is still going to be an amazing guitar.
If it was local I'd be on it like, um, white on snow. tongue

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Used Electra Westone Phoenix at Music Go Round Kenosha WI only $200! Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
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Registration date : 2009-05-01

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