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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

Post by Brainfertilizer Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:50 pm

The guitar is $70 + no more than $50 shipping.
If the link doesn't work well, just do a search for Westone, and it is the one labeled "as is" without a picture.

According to the manager,
It is being sold as-is because we cannot get the bridge pickup to work.
Otherwise the neck is nice and straight.
No case.

I hope someone here likes and grabs this.
Senior Member

Number of posts : 525
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Re: Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

Post by Iceman Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:33 am

I purchased my x185 Phoenix from that exact location. The people running that place have ZERO clue about Electras, Westones and guitars in general, IMHO.

I would recommend buying from them ONLY if you are comfortable with the idea of rebuilding from the ground up and are looking for a neck and body.

If you are ever considering a purchase from a MGR here in the Twin Cities area stick with the Woodbury, MN location only. The guitar guru there is John and he knows of what he speaks and practices. My experiences at any of the other locations have always been poor.
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 2894
Age : 61
Location : Up North
Registration date : 2011-02-22

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Re: Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

Post by spidey2 Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:32 am

will they ship to canada???

Brainfertilizer wrote:

The guitar is $70 + no more than $50 shipping.
If the link doesn't work well, just do a search for Westone, and it is the one labeled "as is" without a picture.

According to the manager,
It is being sold as-is because we cannot get the bridge pickup to work.
Otherwise the neck is nice and straight.
No case.

I hope someone here likes and grabs this.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 95
Age : 59
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2011-02-24

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Re: Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

Post by Iceman Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:14 am

If they will not I could pick it up for you and send it along. I will be in the Southern Metro area on Wednesday. Let me know.
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 2894
Age : 61
Location : Up North
Registration date : 2011-02-22

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Re: Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:02 pm

sooooo..... just like everybody here i clik the link and take a peek or two. and then look around at some of the other westones they have listed and i see one at the store down the street from me. Shocked

i called the store and of course they don't really know what exactly it is, seems like probably MIK Spectrum maybe. and then he mentions the electra 'that is totally messed up....' and it seems that the project listed on the website is at my local store, not in Minnesota! Shocked Shocked

so i am off the store and i will be back later with at least one under my arm......... bounce
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Number of posts : 1519
Location : San Francisco, CA
Registration date : 2011-05-25

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Re: Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

Post by Brainfertilizer Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:44 pm

gittarasaurus wrote:sooooo..... just like everybody here i clik the link and take a peek or two. and then look around at some of the other westones they have listed and i see one at the store down the street from me. Shocked

i called the store and of course they don't really know what exactly it is, seems like probably MIK Spectrum maybe. and then he mentions the electra 'that is totally messed up....' and it seems that the project listed on the website is at my local store, not in Minnesota! Shocked Shocked

so i am off the store and i will be back later with at least one under my arm......... bounce
I love a happy ending!!! bounce bounce bounce
Senior Member

Number of posts : 525
Registration date : 2011-05-04

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Re: Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:33 pm

yeah i like a happy ending too, but not to be this time. Sad

the kid at the store wasn't too bright. Rolling Eyes when i spoke to him on the phone he thought the electra was in his store. he apparently couldn't tell the difference between the guitars in his store and the ones listed for other stores around the country. Rolling Eyes

i guess it really is in minnesota.

the other westone they had was a spectrum III in pale blue (and of course missing the whammy bar).

i just recently got one of these in the same color, (but mine has reversed headstock), so i took a pass on that one too, so no new guitar today for me. Sad

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Number of posts : 1519
Location : San Francisco, CA
Registration date : 2011-05-25

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Re: Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

Post by The Chad Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:51 am

gittarasaurus wrote:yeah i like a happy ending too, but not to be this time. Sad

so no new guitar today for me. Sad

We know how that feels brother, stinks don't it?! Mad I'm just thankful that the Westone and Electra names are still mostly underground.
The Chad
The Chad
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Location : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2011-02-01

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Re: Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

Post by spidey2 Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:50 am

now on ebay

Brainfertilizer wrote:

The guitar is $70 + no more than $50 shipping.
If the link doesn't work well, just do a search for Westone, and it is the one labeled "as is" without a picture.

According to the manager,
It is being sold as-is because we cannot get the bridge pickup to work.
Otherwise the neck is nice and straight.
No case.

I hope someone here likes and grabs this.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 95
Age : 59
Location : Canada
Registration date : 2011-02-24

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Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round Empty Re: Electra Westone Project available from Music Go Round

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