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89' Corsair GT??

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89' Corsair GT??  Empty 89' Corsair GT??

Post by Afgbuddy Sun Mar 26, 2017 8:10 pm

Hello,89' Corsair GT??  Img_9710
89' Corsair GT??  Img_9711
89' Corsair GT??  Img_9712
My name is Brian, I'm really digging the site and forum.  This is my first guitar.  I'm not totally sure the model, but I'm thinking it is a Corasir based on the pics I found on the website.  My guitar has about "0" markings on it other than the Westone logo.  I got it in or around 1990/91 from a music store that went out of business in Waterloo Iowa brand new.  I was a little rough on it, being a teenager in the early 90's and cracked the headstock by the high E tuner.  I wrapped it up in electrical tape to make sure it didnt crack any further, but the tuner is loose.  This guitar has been sitting in its case for almost 20years and I thought I'd get it out and mess around with it. I didn't know if anybody has an idea if this type of wound can be fixed or I would need a replacement neck.  If it cant be replaced does anybody have any recommendations for a new neck that might fit?
Thank you for any and all info
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89' Corsair GT??  Empty Re: 89' Corsair GT??

Post by The Chad Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:58 am

Hey B!  Corsair, yes.  Made in Korea, not the Japanese era sadly, but still a nice guitar.  The repair is possible though a little expensive if you have it done right.  You'll want it done right, too.  New necks for these are not too common.  Do you have a guitar repair guy around your area?
The Chad
The Chad
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89' Corsair GT??  Empty Re: 89' Corsair GT??

Post by Afgbuddy Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:57 pm

Thank you so much for the response!!  Good to know I got the model right, I love how informative the site is and the pics helped a ton!!  My guitar teacher back in the 90's had the red and blue crackle one I've seen pics on here, man I loved that guitar!  It brought back some memories seeing the pics.  I figured a new neck might be hard to come by which is a bummer. I don't know any repair guys personally, but I live in a city with a ton of musicians.  I'll have to get some quotes.  I'm not really sure what the guitar's value is so, not sure if its worth paying a ton to get it fixed.  At least the locking trem keeps it in tune for the most part. I love the guitar though it is super heavy duty and the neck even though its broken fits my hand so well!!
Thanks again, I look fwd to reading future posts!
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2017-03-26

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89' Corsair GT??  Empty Re: 89' Corsair GT??

Post by The Chad Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:02 pm

They are sweet guits!  Value is probably in $200-225 range right now?  That's if it's not broken, either.  Westone's haven't faired well in resale these recent years.  Especially Korean models.
The Chad
The Chad
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89' Corsair GT??  Empty Re: 89' Corsair GT??

Post by Barry Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:46 pm

Without seeing a closeup of the damage, from what you're describing, it doesn't sound too serious. A simple crack at a machine head hole is fairly typical break point for these, um, pointies.

It doesn't sound like the neck itself is affected so I wouldn't worry so much about replacing it. It should be an easy repair assuming there are no missing bits, and the glued joint will be very solid. It will likely take longer to refinish around it, if that's a concern for you.

Otherwise, stick it back together and rawk on! 89' Corsair GT??  Rockwoot

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
89' Corsair GT??  Guitar10
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89' Corsair GT??  Empty Re: 89' Corsair GT??

Post by Afgbuddy Tue Mar 28, 2017 11:14 am

Thank you for the information!
It's a bummer the westones haven't valued as they aged, mine is a really solid guitar.  I used to let friends play it and they would always comment on how heavy it was compared whatever they were playing. 
Mines not missing any pieces of wood, it is just a crack all the way through the wood from the middle of the tuning peg hole outward in a straight line. 
It needs new strings pretty bad, maybe when I change them out I can attempt to glue it.  I've never done work on guitars, but I have done a fair share of other wood work.  Ill search the web for some neck repair vids.
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Number of posts : 3
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89' Corsair GT??  Empty Re: 89' Corsair GT??

Post by Barry Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:51 pm

Good on ya for attempting the repair yourself!

If I understand your description correctly it sounds like a very small and tight crack. That can be a bit awkward to work with since you'll need to open it a bit in order to inject the glue. DO NOT use crazy glue! It won't bond properly to wood fibres. Any good quality carpenter's glue will do, Titebond, for example.

I would first remove the tuners to prevent any binding and causing potentially more stress cracking. Then I would try gently inserting a tapered dowel or rod and tapping it in just enough to spread the hole and keep it open. You don't need much, a few mm will do, just enough to squirt in sufficient glue. Use a syringe for this. Use lots, the excess will squeeze out when you remove the rod.

Finally, clamp it if you can, and wipe away the excess glue before it dries, and leave it alone for about 24 hours to harden. You can also use very heavy duty rubber bands in a pinch.

That should do it. Let us know how you make out!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
89' Corsair GT??  Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8749
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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