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Thunder I - truss rod adjustment

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Thunder I - truss rod adjustment Empty Thunder I - truss rod adjustment

Post by Froggy Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:11 am

Hey there,
First don't be too harsh on my english, haven't found any french-speaking Westone forum yet... (time to create one maybe ?)
I just bought a Thunder I-A, which neck needs a slight forward bend.
I just wanted to make sure with you guys that Thunder truss rods can be adjusted the usual way : I mean screwing clockwise to loosen the neck, counterclockwise to bend it forwards ?
I've read that for some guitars it was the other way around, and I wanted to make sure before trying.
Thanks for your replies and for keeping this forum alive !

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2016-12-16

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Thunder I - truss rod adjustment Empty Re: Thunder I - truss rod adjustment

Post by corsair Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:06 am

Mate, your English is probably better than the native speakers in here, eh?! Smile

Dunno about the Thunders, but all of my Westones that i've tweaked the truss rods on have been normal....

We do have French bods here from time to time, as well as French-Canadians and you are all more than welcome!!
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Thunder I - truss rod adjustment Empty Re: Thunder I - truss rod adjustment

Post by Froggy Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:20 am

Ok, Thanks a lot !

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2016-12-16

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Thunder I - truss rod adjustment Empty Re: Thunder I - truss rod adjustment

Post by Barry Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:15 pm

Froggy wrote:...the usual way : I mean screwing clockwise to loosen the neck, counterclockwise to bend it forwards ?...
Righty = Tighty (head stock goes back, neck is straighter, strings are closer to frets)
Lefty = Loosey (heads stock moves up, neck bows up, strings are further away from frets)

Votre anglais est meilleur que mon français! Bienvenue!

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Thunder I - truss rod adjustment Guitar10
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