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XA1630 Humbucker???

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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by hockeylover1397 Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:25 am

Have any of you seen the humbucker in any of the westone guitars that reads "AL 76"? I just pulled mine out and figured it would be an a 45.

I have confirmed that the wiring schematic is identical to the one shown for my model, just really wondering if that is a known model of pickup. 

I'm currently trying to breathe new life into my old (and ill maintained for about 15 years), and noticed I'm getting little or no sound. Rust on all the pups and in the process of testing pups. Need to also check pots.

Anyway, I'll work on posting some pics when I get a chance, but I'm the second owner of my XA1630 (which I believe is all original) when I got it from a sorry lad while in the US Navy back in 1988. He needed money for an engagement ring! So I bought the XA1630 and his Crate 60W amp for I believe $750.

Also, if I do need to replace any of the pots, and ideas on a good maker of similar replacement parts? I checked stewmac and their analog pots don't appear to look the same and the ones currently installed with the extended coil.

Thanks for all the help and I'll post more in a bit...oh, and most people call me Mullet (I'm still having issues letting go of the 80's).

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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty Re: XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by corsair Sat Mar 19, 2016 5:09 pm

Welcome here, Mullet!

Nope, sorry; AL76 is unfamiliar to me as a pickup for the Genesis II, or in fact for a Westone! I thought they were 45s, too, though mine has an oddball prototype humbucker and is, in fact, an orphan anyway....

Yeah... those little coils on the pots make life interesting, don't they?! I was told what they do many years ago but I've forgotten and will try to find the info. I'm sure some of the lads will know.... but I don't know of any replacements. Loads of contact cleaner - not, and never WD40 or similar!! - into the pots should clean'em up.
The metalwork with rust is just a matter of elbow grease to clean them up and then a quick paint if it needs it!

Yeah; I"d love to see yours; mine is an aged white job with a really flat neck and is probably the guitar I'd gig these days!

Ahhh... found this... from 2008....I need to get a life, really....

... there's other info there if you type "genesis" into the search window in the Technical section...
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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty Re: XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by Westbone Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:44 am

Does the AL 76 pup connect with a white plastic plug?

Clean up the jack socket, it'll probably work.
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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty Re: XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by Westbone Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:28 am

Whilst looking for old photos I found these from my Genesis II.
Look familiar...cyclops
XA1630 Humbucker??? SANY0385_zpszpqr9xyt
XA1630 Humbucker??? SANY0382_zpsyyawdfft
XA1630 Humbucker??? Westonege-1339956768-250
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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty Re: XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by corsair Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:43 am

OK.... I'll have to go andlook at mine, now!!
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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty Re: XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by Barry Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:59 pm

When I see that green epoxy on the screws it reminds me of a UBC. affraid
I'm assuming it ain't! Do you have the DC reading handy?

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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty Re: XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by David_A Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:40 pm

A bit off topic, but I was wondering - what is the purpose of the lower level in the top surface of the Genesis? I've seen something similar on bass guitars, but I thought that was to aid string 'pulling'?
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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty Re: XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by Westbone Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:28 pm

Barry wrote:When I see that green epoxy on the screws it reminds me of a UBC. affraid
I'm assuming it ain't! Do you have the DC reading handy?
Mine is stashed away Barry, haven't even seen it for a few years.

Maybe John can check he's out if the same.

As for the green epoxy sealer seen the same on MMK's also.
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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty Re: XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by Westbone Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:34 pm

David_A wrote:A bit off topic, but I was wondering - what is the purpose of the lower level in the top surface of the Genesis? I've seen something similar on bass guitars, but I thought that was to aid string 'pulling'?

Check out the 1987 limited editions catalogue all will be explained.
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XA1630 Humbucker??? Empty Re: XA1630 Humbucker???

Post by corsair Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:40 pm

The routed top was probably done "because they could" with their CNC machinery!! Laughing


I've dragged mine out of it's case and taken the strings off, whacked the pickup out and here we go...

XA1630 Humbucker??? DSC_0003_zpsfq25f3ao

...just an "A" with no number...

XA1630 Humbucker??? DSC_0004_zpsjxqscvwt

.... the connector has orange, red, black, brown and an unshielded wires; the brown goes to the switch, the orange and red are twisted together and go nowhere, the black and the unshielded go to earth.

XA1630 Humbucker??? CSC_0005_zpsb1olehke

XA1630 Humbucker??? DSC_0006_zpsumtdhruo

The fat cable you can see is the humbucker cable. I think my meter is in dire need of a new battery as I got a reading of 7.4KΩ with the pickup in circuit, but no reading whatsoever with the pickup out and disconnected?!

Neck pocket...

XA1630 Humbucker??? CSC_0054_zps178a5868

The coils on the tone controls...

XA1630 Humbucker??? CSC_0048_zpse1c1e60a

XA1630 Humbucker??? CSC_0049_zps2ba9ff86

.. I don't know if they're different, or indeed how to check for resistance/current/voltage/capacitance bu they have different value capacitors on them!

XA1630 Humbucker??? CSC_0044_zpsde0d4517

 Humbucker cavity....

All comments and/or recommendations gratefully received!
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