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Westone Rainbow and SG

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Westone Rainbow and SG  Empty Westone Rainbow and SG

Post by Meadows Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:22 am

Morning guys

Just a quick one to say I have put up a couple of guitars on the bay just now and if anyone here is interested obviously we can work something out. Price wise just looking to recoup my spend and as such have listed both with a "Best offer" choice, finding it hard to know what to ask but hopefully this way a fair price will be found.

Here are the links

Many thanks
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Number of posts : 593
Location : North Herts
Registration date : 2013-01-19

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Westone Rainbow and SG  Empty Re: Westone Rainbow and SG

Post by The Chad Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:50 pm

Best wishes for the sale, that Rainbow would make a great gig player!
The Chad
The Chad
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Westone Rainbow and SG  Empty Re: Westone Rainbow and SG

Post by Meadows Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:53 am

Thank you Chad, the SG is now sold primarily due to the efforts of one of the members here who kindly took her away and replaced the nut and gave her a new lease of life Cool

Your right, the Rainbow is definitely no case queen as she stands and as such is perfect for the gigging circuit, I think this is going to go very soon, had a few emails already.

I also listed my old Aria Elecord, I can't date it but the neck on the Rainbow and this have an uncanny resemblance in feel/binding and quality, quite heavy for an acoustic too. Wish I could establish more of it's roots. See what you think

All the very best
Si Smile
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Number of posts : 593
Location : North Herts
Registration date : 2013-01-19

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