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westone Rainbow II

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westone Rainbow II Empty westone Rainbow II

Post by grogg Fri May 22, 2009 6:51 pm

Went for quite a reasonable price £261.77, it wasnt mentioned on here?
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westone Rainbow II Empty Re: westone Rainbow II

Post by Guest Fri May 22, 2009 7:32 pm

Hello Greg, Smile

Good to see you again mate. How're things with you?

Yeah, I saw that, I must admit that I thought it might go for more - that's the surprising thing about eBay, some things go for ridiculously high prices when you least expect it and others don't fetch what you think they might! Odd!

:queen: :flower:

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westone Rainbow II Empty Re: westone Rainbow II

Post by norfolkngood Sat May 23, 2009 4:40 am

It might have made a few more £s if I hadn't lost my perishing Internet connection towrds the end of the auction Crying or Very sad

Someone's trying to tell me I have too many guitars!!
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westone Rainbow II Empty Re: westone Rainbow II

Post by Steve777 Sat May 23, 2009 5:46 am

Hi Norfolk, dont tell me, your internet provider is either TalkTalk or Tiscali !!! Much the same happened to me some time ago and the culprit was Talk Talk ! Cant be doing with line drop out and swapped to Eclipse.
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westone Rainbow II Empty Re: westone Rainbow II

Post by grogg Sat May 23, 2009 1:12 pm

Hi Polly, Im ok, was tempted to bid for it but am in danger of pushing it with the wife.
Really looking to off load some of my crappier guitars before venturing into any more purchases.
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westone Rainbow II Empty Re: westone Rainbow II

Post by norfolkngood Sat May 23, 2009 3:47 pm

Hi Steve

No, I'm on BT Broadband, it's usually reliable but for the last few days getting on the 'net has been hit & miss. I've reported it to BT but didn't get much joy. I've just renewed the contract so guess I'll have to put up with it.

The Rainbow II looked good value. I was also watching the Session II on UK ebay that went for £550; too rich for me but it did look a good 'un.
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westone Rainbow II Empty Re: westone Rainbow II

Post by Steve777 Sat May 23, 2009 4:01 pm

I must admit to uncontrollable drooling where Rainbows and Sessions are concerned! In comparison to BC Rich guitars and their ilk, there is a certain subtlety and the air of a gentleman's club about the above two Westones. When I think of Sessions, cigars, leather armchairs, panel wood and serenity come to mind. As well as good 12 year old Malt !
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westone Rainbow II Empty Re: westone Rainbow II

Post by corsair Sat May 23, 2009 7:38 pm

I dunno; the 335 clones are just that - 335 clones and whilst they fabulously finished etc. they just don't do it for me! The Session, however, does; I owned an Ibanez jazz box in the mid eighties but of course was gigging the VA900 and never used the Ibanez much at all but I certainly liked it; boy, they fetch very good money... I'm unlikely ever to own one, even if one came up here or in Australia!

Besides, I so want that Pink Corsair.... Laughing
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