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Making new scratchplates

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Making new scratchplates Empty Making new scratchplates

Post by thunduak-1 Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:27 am

Hello all - especially hello to Poly!

Well - back in the bad old days, when there was a Westone forum at David's website, there was a discussion thread to getting new scratchplates made. At the time, I was looking to get a custom scratchplate for my Concord/Paduak 12-string!

Anyhow - completely off topic, but my beloved 4001 Rickenbacker's scratchplate is cracked in about 3 places. so - old muggins here bought one on Fleabay, but of course it doesn't match the screw holes of the original, and worse still, the pot holes are different, putting one put too close to the wood, so I can't actually get the damned thing in place. alas - after a bit of research, my 4001 is from the hybrid era when the 4001 evolved into the 4003, so the pickguard is neith a stock 4001 nor a stock 4003!

On the old forum, somebody mentioned getting a sign-shop to make one, using the old as a template????? Any body remeber??

Westone Nut

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Registration date : 2008-04-09

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Making new scratchplates Empty Re: Making new scratchplates

Post by corsair Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:50 pm

I've had backplates made by a specialist plastics outfit, so I'm guess that scratchplates will be no different; just take the old one with you as an example of the kind of material used and a pattern of what you'd like made; job done! Very Happy The last backplate I had made was EXACTLY the same as the sample one; the only way I could tell 'em apart was by the sheilding tape on the back!
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Making new scratchplates Empty Re: Making new scratchplates

Post by Guest Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:50 pm

Hello Guy, Very Happy

It's good to hear from you again mate - how's tricks?

I can't remember the particular discussion that you refer to but something sounds vaguely familiar! I've made my own scratchplates, using the old one as a template, from various different things, but I'll be honest, they are a pain in the backside to do. You'll be far better doing what John has suggested and take the old one to somebody who has the correct cutting tools etc (a stanley knife and a ruler aren't that good!).

Keep up the good work and try not to be such a stranger - we miss you!

:queen: :flower:

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Making new scratchplates Empty Re: Making new scratchplates

Post by Administrator Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:44 am

I think I mentioned these back in that old thread many years ago...

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