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Free Music Making Software--TuxGuitar

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Free Music Making Software--TuxGuitar Empty Free Music Making Software--TuxGuitar

Post by Barry Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:50 pm

I just came across this little freebie gem and thought it may be useful to the membership. TuxGuitar is an Open Source multitrack tablature editor and player written in Java.

I haven't a huge need of it right now but I installed it and it appears to be a very mature and useful product. It can also open GuitarPro, PowerTab and TablEdit files if you happen to be using them.

And of course, it appeals to my cheep bastid gene. Razz

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Free Music Making Software--TuxGuitar Guitar10
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Free Music Making Software--TuxGuitar Empty Re: Free Music Making Software--TuxGuitar

Post by westcoaster Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:53 pm

Agreed, its a good wee program.  I like my free stuff as well.  A few more worth mentioning:

Reaper - unlimited multi track recording - whilst not strictly free the company is very relaxed about its licencing and you csn download an unrestricted copy, 5 second nag screen at startup and thats it.  Well worth a try.

Mobius Looper - just started playing about with this last night. Looks good. Hugely customisable and can do some really cool things. Worth checking out some of the videos on youtube.

On Android great chromatic tuner called Pitchlab with some really good features, will even recognise chords.

Anyone got any more suggestions?
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