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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number

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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Empty Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number

Post by Doc Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:20 pm

Hey all -

I have a 1981 Thunder 1-A that I bought from a salesman in April or so of 1981. I can't find a serial number anywhere - not on the back of the neck or neck plate. Where should I look? The salesman told me that it was a sample bass not yet being produced; he had it since late 1980 as a sample...

I am also looking for a replacement headstock Westone decal. as I remember it, in gold. Anyone know where to get one?

I am in Chicago, Illinois USA area.

Many thanks!

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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Empty Re: Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number

Post by Barry Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:04 am

What's up Doc? rabbit   (sorry, had to be said)
Welcome to the Forums!

Depending on the year of manufacture serial numbers are either stamped into the back of the headstock or the neck plate. Since there is nothing there it may well be a prototype instrument as the salesman said. They do surface here from time to time.

If you haven't discovered our web site already, there is some more information on your instrument HERE You may be able to narrow down the production date a bit more closely there. If you bought it early in '81 it could be a 1980 build.

Pictures would be helpful when you're able to post. I'm sure it will have some historical interest to many here.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Guitar10
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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Empty Re: Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number

Post by Doc Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:33 pm

Hey Barry -

Thanks for the welcome and the info. Looks like I have an '80 build, but the neck plate is different than any pictured. I will try to take pictures over the weekend and post. 

It was good to see in the pictures that my memory isn't that bad (maybe) and that the Westone logo I remembered was gold. Hope someone can help me find the replacement.

Thanks again and glad to be a member! Thumb Up

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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Empty Re: Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:24 am

the two Westone Concord guitars in my collection with the oldest neckplate serial numbers, both have neckplates marked Matsumoku, one from December 81, and the other from January 82
Concord 2
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400
Concord 3
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400
from July of 82, this Concord 1 had the serial number stamped into the wood on back of the headstock and a very nice Westone neckplate
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400
however, from September 82, here is an X-70 with a neckplate serial number. it doesn't say Matsumoku or Westone
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400
i'm guessing that this must have been around the time that the name Westone was formally trademarked (mid '82), so the guitars around that time carried a variety of markings, maybe including no markings at all, possibly prototypes or samples or maybe just regular production before they formally, legally, controlled the name or something of the sort.Don\'t Know
notice the trademark symbol on this neckplate from an August '82 Concord 1 (identical neckplate as on the previous example from July)
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400
the oldest Thunder i have carries the same neckplate, and has a serial number stamped on the back of the headstock, July '82. notice also the appearance of the Westone branded tuners here
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400
is this the style logo you were looking for?
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Ry%3D400
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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Empty Thanks Gittarasaurus

Post by Doc Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:46 pm

I really appreciate the additional info. My neckplate matches your pictures #4 and #8. There is no serial number stamped on the back of the headstock or on the neckplate. The logo is the one you show in your last picture, style-wise, but my headstock is natural. I am pretty sure the lettering was gold or gold with a black outline (it has been many years...). The tuners are chrome as shown in the second to last picture, but the Westone insert is metallic silver with black logo. The key portion of the tuners are a rounded triangle shape, best description I can give.

As I am a newbie (obviously Very Happy) could you tell me how to post pictures, and I will gladly do so. Are you aware if the replacement headstock logo is available anywhere?

Thanks again - play on!

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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Empty Re: Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number

Post by Barry Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:54 pm

See THIS  for info on how to post pictures. Note that new members have 7 day waiting period. Wink

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8804
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Empty Re: Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Sep 20, 2014 7:45 am

Doc, you could try printing one out on readily available waterslide transfer paper, board member Jim has uploaded a .pdf of his findings so far, these can be imported to an art package and printed out with a standard inkjet printer or even better a laser printer....
see his hijack of this post
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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Empty Re: Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number

Post by Westbone Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:45 am

Like this?
Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number SANY1789_zps0cf4d4cd
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Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number Empty Re: Replacement 1-A 1981 Headstock Decal...and no serial number

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