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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Sgt. Vimes
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by Sgt. Vimes Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:47 pm

I'd have to shop here.!
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by Barry Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:54 pm

Somewhat reminiscent of Ken Parker's new direction in acoustic guitars...

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Guitar10
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by Sgt. Vimes Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:09 pm

Ooh very nice, still don't like the Parker headstocks though.
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by corsair Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:33 pm

Gee,they look....odd, but nice!

Dunno what I'd look for if I had that much disposable income for a guitar... my personal Holy Grail is the Vantage VA912 but they don't cost a few grand, eh!

And and the 2 occasions when the they've come up for sale, I've not had the funds anyway!!
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by eyebulger Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:15 pm

Something like this would do it for me Smile
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by Sgt. Vimes Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:54 am

Don that looks too hot to touch! Like molten lava. Nice

Last edited by Sgt. Vimes on Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : autocorrect typo)
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by Old Man White Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:28 am

Not that I feel hard done by but.......  most of the regular off the shelf stuff everybody else gets to enjoy but in a LEFTY.
Old Man White
Old Man White
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by The Chad Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:10 am

Some of those Tao guitars look like they stepped out of a painting in an artsy coffee shop.  I dig the El Mirage. 

Always loved the Warrior Guitars.  Clicketh Here
The Chad
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by Westbone Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:48 pm

This would do for me..
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by Sgt. Vimes Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:12 pm

looks like a cheap Ikea patio table with strings on

Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by Westbone Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:17 pm


I love reindeer burgers.
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

Post by Sgt. Vimes Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:51 pm

Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...? Empty Re: If you had a few grand to spend on a guitar...?

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