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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by toshross Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:23 am

Anybody got any idea about the weird 'Westone logo' and back plate on this guitar? I've not see these features on any other Cutlass.


Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Imag0012

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Imag0013

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Imag0014

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Imag0015
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by Westbone Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:18 pm

Proto. Nice guitar.

Tell you for certain if you post a piture of the electrics.
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by toshross Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:22 pm

Thanks. I'll get the screw driver out tomorrow and post a pic. Ps photo's don't do the neck justice - it unfinished, chunky and just feels and plays amazing.

£75 from an ad that just said 'Westone guitar' - no photo. Never seen such dust on a guitar when I got it.
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by toshross Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:02 am

Arghh - earth fell off.. easy fixed... if you own a soldering iron (which I dont).

Here you go. Crude woodwork for the slanted neck pickup too....

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Imag0016

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Imag0017

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Imag0018

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Imag0019
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by westcoaster Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:13 pm

Interesting - looks like a much tighter radius and narrower neck than than production Cutlass which is really flat. Looks like they'd determined body shape but not worked out the details of the neck. The neck pickup cavity looks like a work in progress as well.
I wonder if rather than prototype someone replaced the neck because they didn't like the flat radius.
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by Barry Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:40 pm

That doesn't look like Mats work to me, prototype or no.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Guitar10
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by Westbone Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:23 pm

Of course not Barry it's a Sid Poole/ Status creation.

Definatly a Proto. Different pups on the production models.

Plenty of carving going on there.

Does it have dot markers on the side of the neck?

Nice guitar/neck regardless. Smile
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by westcoaster Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:29 pm

Does this mean the cutlass bodies are routed for a middle pickup?
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by toshross Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:51 pm

Photo is deceiving. Neck is flat and the widest electric neck I've ever owned. If it's a replacement neck the Cutless headstock shape throws me - it's spot on.

It does not have Cutless side markers. It got standard dots - not the production Cutless inlay 'squares'.

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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by westcoaster Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:57 pm

Just surprised at the butchery that's gone on at the neck pickup cavity. Got to say it looks a bit rough for a pro job. What the eye doesn't see though. How does it play?
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by toshross Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:01 pm

The guitar is quality. Weight, balance, frets, neck & tone. But it's origin is a mystery...

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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by Barry Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:47 pm

Westbone wrote:Of course not Barry it's a Sid Poole/ Status creation.

Definatly a Proto. Different pups on the production models.

Plenty of carving going on there.

Does it have dot markers on the side of the neck?

Nice guitar/neck regardless. Smile
Right. Shouldn't get near the computer when I'm semi-comatose. It's still an awful mess though.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Guitar10
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by Westbone Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:23 am

The body on yours is obviously a Corsair custom.
Here's a link to some 'inner' photos.
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by toshross Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:35 am

I've seen those adds so many times but never really read them.

A maple neck was an option on the Corsair. So I think I've got Cutlass scratch plate / electronics on Corsair body/neck.

But.. I am now certain its a prototype. I wish I had a better camera - the scratch plate is key.

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Scratc10

The entire circumference has been held against a sander and shaped by hand. If the guitar was in production they'd have had scratch plates with a much better finish. So despite the Corsair body/neck - I think prototype Cutlass (maybe even the first! Wish it had a serial no.).

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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by Neil Smith Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:32 am

I don't know whether to say prototype, or cobbled together from spare parts at a later stage. Certainly looks like a early test bed model with all the oddities you've highlighted.

If you really want to know you could try asking these guys:

They built the original ones, and certainly 4/5 years ago they had a whole bunch of spare parts including bodies and necks. They were not interested in selling individual parts, but were considering offloading the whole as a job lot. I imagine they ended up in a skip.
Neil Smith
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by Westbone Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:47 am

Oh no not in a skip, some found their way my way..SmileSmile
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Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Empty Re: Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it?

Post by Grungebob Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:28 pm

There certainly where some prototypes about, below you can see my corsiar prototype with alt control layouts

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Amsterdam014_zps3103dca9

close up

Sid Poole Cutlass - or is it? Amsterdam018_zps7ae6e0fe
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