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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

Post by McToot_the_Bat Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:09 am

I was aimlessly doodling around on ebay yesterday and spotted a Cutlass for sale near me. Now, I don't know much about them but I've fallen in lust with it. At the moment, there's little actual bidding activity on it, but I just wondered what the typical price range would be for one of these? If it's out of reach, I can just stop tormenting myself and look elsewhere to appease my GAS pangs.

Any thoughts?
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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

Post by fish Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:30 am

Ditto Very Happy
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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Re: Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

Post by Neil Smith Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:30 pm

In my experience I've bought one for £170 and sold another one for £250 in the same condition, so I guess it depends who's watching!

Lovely guitars, and the neck really is something to behold.
Neil Smith
Neil Smith
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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Reply with quote Re: Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

Post by fish Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:48 pm

Neil Smith wrote:In my experience I've bought one for £170 and sold another one for £250 in the same condition, so I guess it depends who's watching!

Lovely guitars, and the neck really is something to behold.

Best of luck with with the Cutlass Mac, Neils right about the neck, note the thick chunk of Rosewood the fingerboard's made from cyclops

Essex boy eh, well that's the answer then Very Happy
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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Re: Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

Post by McToot_the_Bat Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:50 pm

Neil Smith wrote:In my experience I've bought one for £170 and sold another one for £250 in the same condition, so I guess it depends who's watching!

Lovely guitars, and the neck really is something to behold.

Fingers crossed.

That said, I had a bit of a reverse epiphany (?) last night. Getting a bit sick of having loads of gear and have thought about flogging everything but my two most valuable and sentimental guitars. I don't gig, am limited on talent, have a 4-year old and another on the way and spend waaaay too much time Gassing...

...maybe just time for one more Cool

Neil - I'm in W. Sussex too!
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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Re: Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

Post by Barry Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:30 pm

urp...GAS will do that to you. tongue

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Guitar10
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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Re: Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

Post by McToot_the_Bat Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:11 am

Just an update for the couple of peeps that replied. The Cutlass I was slavishly watching was bidding at £155 with a few hours to go. McToot was positively tooting with anticipation...

It went for £400. £150 above my (patently rather hopeful) budget. Boo.

The McToot bat cave will have to remain a single Westone abode. For the time being [cue evil cackles] What a Face
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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Re: Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

Post by fish Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:56 am

McToot_the_Bat wrote:Just an update for the couple of peeps that replied. The Cutlass I was slavishly watching was bidding at £155 with a few hours to go. McToot was positively tooting with anticipation...

It went for £400. £150 above my (patently rather hopeful) budget. Boo.

The McToot bat cave will have to remain a single Westone abode. For the time being [cue evil cackles] What a Face

Sorry about that Mac, I watched it go, £400 was a surprise but I did say £150 to £200+but it went++++++++++ :!:

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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Re: Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

Post by Neil Smith Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:35 am

I guess it was worth £400 to someone!

Don't worry though, they pop up fairly regularly, and a budget of £250 should see you right.

Neil Smith
Neil Smith
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Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass? Empty Re: Rough value for a Sid Poole Cutlass?

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