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Spectrum LX Pickup issue

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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by Thunder-Chunder Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:12 pm

Hi Guys,
Recently purchased a Spectrum LX bass but having spot of
bother with the neck pickup.

The output of the E&A string was poor so took an initial
pickup reading of the pickup coils across the dual tone switch and found that
EA coil was reading 180K and the DG coil 7.4K. Also noticed that when the string
was plucked by putting slight pressure on one side of the pickup cover the
output would come back up so figured a loose or dry solder joint in the pickup.
Having taken the pickup out and unsoldered the 4 core cable the EA coil was still
showing 180K so the fault is in the coil and not as I’d hoped with the external
solder joint in the pickup. Now having examined the pickup a while to see if it
was possible to split the coils to gain access to remove the winding tape the
coil has gone open circuit. It looks as though the two coils are identical and
held together with small dabs of glue and the magnet is glued to the bottom
over the join. So I wondered if anyone knows if it’s possible to split the
pickup so I can get the coil tape off the winding and check the solder joints of
the winding under the tape, not a job I relish doing, but if needs must and at the moment nothing to loose by trying.

If the pickup is unserviceable any replacement suggestion
would be much appreciated. I did wonder about Spectrum DX or GT pup if I can
find one as they appear to use the Magnabass ll Pup. The DX bass I have isn’t
wired (in control cavity) with 4 outputs so I assume it’s the same coil setup
but just permanently series wired in the pup as there’s no dual tone select
switch. I get a reading of around 13.8k across the DX pup which seems on par
to the LX pup.

Like I say any advice much appreciated.

Pickup Images

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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by Westbone Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:34 pm

You seem to know what your doing.

The magnet is glued on the pickup.
Release it with some switch cleaner, a little squirt. Leave awhile until it softens the glue. A bit of gentle persuasion will help
Make a note of the way it comes off, as it has to go back the same way. Paint mark??

The two halves of the bobbins are held together with little dovetail joints.
They'll just come apart.
You'll more than likely find the solder joint has rotted where it joins the red or black wires.
Good luck.
Here's a similar situation.

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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by Thunder-Chunder Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:46 pm

Cheers for the info and the confidence booster "You seem to know what you're doing" I'll give a go tomorrow. I'm ok dipping into the control cavity for a wiring repair but delving into new territory pulling pups apart so didn't want to break anything and destroy a possibly salvageable pup.

Did recall your article on pup reworking but thought it was on the forum so now I know why I couldn't find it as I've been looking in the wrong place. Spectrum LX Pickup issue 2604600381

PS Sorry for the previous small text typed in MS Word then cut and past into the text box.
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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by Thunder-Chunder Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:28 pm

As you suspected Westbone wire broken off under the tape though not sure which side was the problem as both red and black were adrift. I'm guessing the second one had deteriorated and came away as I slowly peeled the tape back, anyhow both soldered back on, pup refitted and firing on all cylinders.Very Happy

Thanks for the tip with the switch cleaner to soften the glue never would have thought of that. Gently eased the magnet off with a Stanley knife blade and squirt or two of cleaner as I went and off she popped.
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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by corsair Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:28 pm

Good one!! And yeah; good on ya, Damian!!
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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:48 pm

Good news!
also good tip Damian, wish I knew that before I completely destroyed a kent Armstrong hotrail and learn eh.
Sgt. Vimes
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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by Thunder-Chunder Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:17 am

After a clean and a new set of strings she sounds great and those pups can pack a punch, I feel rather pleased with my myself.
A quick pic of her all back together in the case with the fretless neck plus one next to a Thunder ll I bought last month.

Pic 2
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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by Barry Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:32 am

Boo ya!! cheers

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by Westbone Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:03 am

Glad you got it fixed.
Those pickups are not easy to come by.

That's the guitar that finished last week isn't it?? 28th March.

I was going to bid on that but forgot as I was working on my mates Morgan car at the time. Would have gone a bit higher than it did.
Nice one. Smile
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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by Thunder-Chunder Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:23 pm

I think I was fortunate in that Uncle Mat left me a good length of coil wire above the bottom layer of tape and so didn't have to peel the bottom layer off to try and unwind any coil wire, just pulled back the top layer over the solder joints. Glad I fixed it too, given me a whole new level of confidence, although still a bit weary of those truss rods.

Yep the one on eBay. To be honest I was prepared to push the boat out a bit on this one as one of these was on my wanted list and I had some extra funds from selling some non Westone stuff but wasn't expecting to get it for what I did, I never seem to know what's going on with Westone prices of late. Spectrum LX Pickup issue 264707237
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Spectrum LX Pickup issue Empty Re: Spectrum LX Pickup issue

Post by contrahell Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:25 pm

I had the same problem with one of the pups on my Genisis II bass.....I wasn't as lucky. Bridge pup was open in one coil somewhere in the winding. I had to pry one coil apart from the other (not too hard of a task) then replace it with another coil from a different set of pups. Hot glue guns are the sh*t for reassembling the coil halves and attaching the bottom plate.

I'm glad you got yours going that easily. I finally have a few spares for my Westie arsenal, hopefully I'll be good to go for awhile.

I'm up to 2 Thunder 1 basses, 2 1A's, a Genisis II, and a partially intact Spectrum DX. Don't even get me started on my APII or Vantage stuff..........................

Uncle Mats' been very, very nice to me! LOL
Westone Nut

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