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Pickup Setup on a Westone Spectrum ??

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Pickup Setup on a Westone Spectrum ?? Empty Pickup Setup on a Westone Spectrum ??

Post by steven1024 Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:19 pm

Can anyone help with this....they are apparently VERY out of place...but im rather poop at doing this sorta thing...could someone post a pic of how it is supposed to look?
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Pickup Setup on a Westone Spectrum ?? Empty Re: Pickup Setup on a Westone Spectrum ??

Post by corsair Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:40 am

They're supposed to sit underneath the strings, mate!! Pickup Setup on a Westone Spectrum ?? Icon_lol What do you mean...? There's pictures of my LX in Members Westones, if that's helpful and there are shots of various STs around here, too...
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