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Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup

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Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  Empty Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup

Post by bjjool Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:40 pm

Hi from France, 

I'm trying to identify a mx pickup, and after reading the ubc article I'm still a little confused. Maybe the language barrier.
I've got some pics of this pickup :

Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  C25c5214
Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  628d4214
Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  43bf5014
Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  06279614

Is this the bad one as described in the article?
Any help would be appreciated. 
Thanks for this great website!
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Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  Empty Re: Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup

Post by Westbone Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:21 am

Yes that is the crappy(bad one) pickups.
Weak with no balls or bottom end, rubbish!
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Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  Empty Re: Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup

Post by bjjool Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:29 am

Thanks for the reply and for saving my money  Laughing
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Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  Empty Re: Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup

Post by Westbone Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:07 am

If your looking for MMK 45's (the good ones)
Give me a shout or a PM
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Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  Empty Re: Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup

Post by Barry Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:27 pm

Bjjool, if you are ever in doubt a multimeter will confirm one way or another. The real MMK45's measure around 11-14 KΩ. The "crappy" UBC's will show about 6 KΩ

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Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  Guitar10
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Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup  Empty Re: Helps identifying spectrum mx pickup

Post by bjjool Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:01 pm

Thanks guys your help is really appreciated. 
The thing is the mx is a guitar on sale, the  guy has mounted it with a Seymour tb5 and the price is a little bit high, he's ok to sell it stockfor less , but I'll have  to change the pickup anyway if Its the crappy one.
I'll try to ask for measurement as Barry said.

Thanks again!
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Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2017-10-07

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