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Sustain block....

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Sustain block.... Empty Sustain block....

Post by corsair Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:24 am

Righto, people; my Vantage Invader has a problem. No... not that it's pointy or anything along those lines, but that the sustain block has the wang bar hole drilled and tapped at an angle, not at 90° as you'd expect. Here's a piss poor photo of the offending piece; note the string hole is straight on (ish) but that the wang bar hole dives off to the right.

Sustain block.... Photoon2012-10-13at2220

Sustain block.... Photoon2012-10-13at2206

So, are these measurements that I've taken familiar to anyone, ie are they a standard size:
Overall width of block - 71.94mm
width excluding wang bar overhang - 61.91mm
Overall depth of block - 42.63mm
depth of wang bar overhang - 20.07
diameter of wang bar hole - 6.09mm
diameter of string holes - 3.27mm
diameter of bridge attachment screw holes - 4.88mm
distance between string hole centres - 10.3mm
distance between bridge attachment screw holes - 21mm

Any help/guidance/suggestions gratefully considered. It goes without saying that the block is muck metal and probably can't be filled, drilled and retapped!!
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Sustain block.... Empty Re: Sustain block....

Post by Barry Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:24 pm

Geez, that's awfully close to breaking through the side of that block. Shocked
What the hell were they thinking?

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Sustain block.... Guitar10
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Sustain block.... Empty Re: Sustain block....

Post by corsair Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:27 pm

Yeah; you can't tell me they meant to do that, eh!? Face Palm
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Sustain block.... Empty Re: Sustain block....

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