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Does eBay ever "forget" to send you the email for your saved searches?

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Does eBay ever "forget" to send you the email for your saved searches? Empty Does eBay ever "forget" to send you the email for your saved searches?

Post by Brainfertilizer Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:34 am

For me, they seem to be consistent 90% of the time: same time every morning.

Every once in a while, they send them out extremely late, or relatively early.

Then sometimes they don't send them at all.

Since I have fairly rare guitars saved, it isn't surprising to get a day with no emails. But I didn't get any yesterday, and then today someone linked to a guitar recently put on eBay that I have saved and didn't get an email about!

Anyone else have this experience?
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Does eBay ever "forget" to send you the email for your saved searches? Empty Re: Does eBay ever "forget" to send you the email for your saved searches?

Post by Iceman Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:17 pm

Yeah it can be dicey at times, BF. My ebay searches are filtered to a fair length to keep out unwanted hits, earbuds and linens are a big hit in returns when you just search Westone. Problem is at times the keywords I do want in the search do not return hits that I want to see.

Search Matsumoku and Aria and you will find some listings for each in the others results lists. Not certain why that can happen at times. Narrow it down too finely and you end up missing some rather than catching them... go figure??
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