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Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc..

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Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc.. Empty Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc..

Post by BatmanSandwich Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:34 am

Greetings all Smile

I am trying to get the best combination of available pickups for my SX project. I recently swapped out the pickups in my other Westone FX beastie for a set of EMG 81/85s, and as such I have two UBC's and a single-coil left over.

(My Spectrum FX)

So I looked up on the .info reference site, and supposedly both SX and FX Spectrums are supposed to have Magnaflux II UBC's and Magnaflux IV single-coils, but the thing is, the pickups I pulled from the SX look nothing like the pickups from the FX. I was wondering if somebody in the know could please take a look at the following assortment of pickups and see if you can identify any of them, even give me some advice of what would be the optimum combination to use in my SX build..

(2x UBC from my FX - front and back)

(1x Single-coil from my FX - front and back)

(1x UBC from my SX - front and back

(2x Single-coil from my SX - front and back

So yeah, as it is probably obvious I am in a little over my head here, and would appreciate any advice you guys could lend me. Thanks in advance Very Happy

Last edited by BatmanSandwich on Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Got a bit carried away asking too many questions :P)

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2012-01-17

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Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc.. Empty Re: Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc..

Post by Barry Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:51 pm

Really too many questions in a single post, covering everything that can be done to restore the entire guitar!
We're a pretty helpful lot here but I doubt if anybody has the time to sit and give a detailed answer to all your queries...gotta be reasonable dude! Rolling Eyes

There is a ton of resource info in these forums and on the site. You'll need to do your homework first, then ask for clarification if you get stuck. K?

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc.. Guitar10
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Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc.. Empty Re: Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc..

Post by The Chad Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:20 pm

If you're looking for a great sounding instrument, use the FX pups. If you'd rather make some money, sell the FX pups! Somebody on the forum needs them, can't remember who though.
The Chad
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Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc.. Empty Re: Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc..

Post by Guest Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:56 pm

"First question: When I put a coat of paint on, I realised there were still quite a few noticeable dings and scratches, Would it be worth it to just give it a quick resanding and go over it again with some grain filler, or will that smooth out after the main paint-job and lacquer? "

Absolutetly. Any ding will show once the finish is done, unless it is so small that the paint fills it. The smoother it is before paint, the easier it is to get a good paint job. has lots of great tips and info for all kinds of stuff -I would do a lot of research before trying.

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Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc.. Empty Re: Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc..

Post by BatmanSandwich Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:31 pm

@Barry: Yeah, sorry.. I did get a bit carried away there. I managed to trim it down to just one main point, sorry for being a pain Razz

by The Chad on Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:20 am
If you're looking for a great sounding instrument, use the FX pups. If you'd rather make some money, sell the FX pups! Somebody on the forum needs them, can't remember who though.

Yeah, I figured just by looking at the FX pups that they were probably a bit better quality than the SX ones. But all the info I could find on the info site seems to say that they should have shipped with the same pickups, which they clearly are not Suspect . I was just curious as to what they are and whether they are stock original, and it's a bit hard to tell without any markings.

Absolutetly. Any ding will show once the finish is done, unless it is so small that the paint fills it. The smoother it is before paint, the easier it is to get a good paint job.

Thanks, yeah, I had worried that might be the case. That site is great by the way Smile

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2012-01-17

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Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc.. Empty Re: Spectrum build project - Need advice on pickups etc..

Post by Westbone Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:49 pm

The plastic bottom p/ups are standard. They just changed from metal to plastic at sometime in the dying days of Matsumoku.
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