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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by EvilVOG Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:54 pm

Have this guitar that i've had in my possession for nearly 15 years now, beat up Korean Ibanez EX... kind of a basket case, it was in pieces since i got it (I'm a Bass player anyway). I dug it out the other day, thinking i'd try and fix it or something. Came to the conclusion it's probably not worth fixing as most of it is pretty beaten, but it does have some nice hardware for parting out. Has a nice EMG 89 Humbucker pickup, and a Bendmaster Deluxe... which led me to this site.

Now before i can sell the Tremolo, i need to get all the pieces that belong to it off of the guitar. Most notably the bar inserts that are still in the body of the guitar pretty solid. I was going to post some pictures but this board has some silly security measures.

Other than that i'm missing the springs, and I think the spring mount is original to the guitar and not the Bendmaster. Any ideas or tips for selling it would be appreciated. Thanks.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 94
Location : Detroit, Mi
Registration date : 2011-11-14

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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty Re: how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by Guest Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:00 pm

Here is a pick of me taking the posts out on my guitar. Just screw it in far enough to get a grip on the threads. I use a small piece of wood to protect the body from the hammer, but if yours is still painted you may want to put something soft under the wood:

how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? A10

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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty Re: how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by EvilVOG Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:21 pm

Not too worried about the paint, it's already got scratches and nicks in it. Thanks for your help.

Any idea what these go for? I see them on ebay for 150-200 but do they really sell for that?

Anything else i should know?
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 94
Location : Detroit, Mi
Registration date : 2011-11-14

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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty Re: how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by Guest Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:37 pm

I've seen them for sale for 150, but have yet to see one sell for 150. There are some westone models that have the same bridge where you get the whole package for that much.

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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty Re: how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by corsair Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:14 pm

I just bought a Bendmaster Deluxe with the posts and inserts for less than US$40 delivered to Europe from the US. It also had the string locks....

There's one for sale on eBay now for 150 or so; it's been there awhile and I don't believe it will sell for that price, or anything close to it.
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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty Re: how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by EvilVOG Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:46 pm

Found this pic deeper in this forum, that's pretty much exactly what i have, minus the springs, but with the bar:
how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Bendma10
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 94
Location : Detroit, Mi
Registration date : 2011-11-14

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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty Re: how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by hobster Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:38 am

EvilVOG wrote:Found this pic deeper in this forum, that's pretty much exactly what i have, minus the springs, but with the bar:
how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Bendma10

Springs are easy to find, you got the parts that matter! Very Happy Funny it was on your guitar, not original obviously, maybe someone really liked them and slapped it on. If you really want your bendmaster to go to good use i'd try to sell it to one of these guys on the forum. Like John's it probably won't sell for more than $50 and ebay & paypal eat all your profits. Plus, we are a nice bunch of dudes Wink (haven't seen Poly in a long time).
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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty Re: how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by EvilVOG Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:03 pm

That's pretty much my plan to move this over to the for sale along with some of the other stuff that came off this guitar.

as soon as i can post pics... 7 day wait... apparently Al-quieda is trying to get onto this board or something...
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 94
Location : Detroit, Mi
Registration date : 2011-11-14

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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty Re: how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by corsair Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:40 pm

EvilVOG wrote:as soon as i can post pics... 7 day wait... apparently Al-quieda is trying to get onto this board or something...

Mate, you may find the rules of the forum quaint and restrictive but they're there and they're not negiotable. You're asking for the advice of the members in here, so please respect them.
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how to remove Tremelo bar inserts? Empty Re: how to remove Tremelo bar inserts?

Post by Iceman Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:21 pm

Perhaps he enjoys the floods of spambots and junk postings one can find at most other forums. I sure don't.
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