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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Guest Mon May 30, 2011 9:03 pm

Q-  Where the Rabins built in the Mats factory or Korea

A-  The original Pantera guitars were built in Japan by Matsumoto Moku (Matsumoku). Later, after Matsumoku closed, production was moved to Fuji-Gen. The body was later changed slightly to reset the balance a bit but really very little difference between the Pantera 1 and Pantera 2.

Q-  Was SLM still involved?

A-  Yes, All of the Pantera and Rabin models were SLM designs and production.

Q-  Do you know how many were produced?

A-  Less than 100 Rabin models and about 200 Pantera Deluxe models. The Pantera Standard (bolt-on neck) models were produced in much higher quantities.

Q-  The WER300 looked to be a contour heel, but a bolt on. I've seen a AER300 with the same neck join as the Pantera X390. Do you know if it the same bayonet joint?

A-  The Rabin (Pantera 2) designs incorporated both a bolt-on (contoured) and a heel less cut using the bayonet design.

Q-  The AER300 had a DSR5 Harmonic enhancer - what the heck does that do?

A-  Notch filter in its passive design, and what is known as an aural exciter in the active. It was later evolved into more of a PA enhancement with a more aggressive slope and gain. Same concept, almost the same design parameter but with more input and output signal.

Now for some of my additional thoughts on the Rabins.  As we see TP calls the Panteras ..... Pantera 1 (pre trevor) and Pantera 2 (post Rabin).
The models were called WER100, WER200, & WE300.  I assume WER stands for Westone Electric Rabin.
Once Alvarez took over they were AER100 - Alvarez Electric Rabin..

Additionally they had the abbreviation of the colour on the model number as such:
WER100RD  - red
WER200BK  - black
WER300WT - white

This naming version carried to the Alvarez versions as well.  Unfortunately, these model numbers and the serial numbers were put on stickers on the back of the headstock instead on routed in like Westone Panteras (Pantera 1's).

The 100's look to be almost exactly like the Pantera 390's.
The 200's were hardtail versions of the 100.
The 300's in the Westone version were bolt on and without the arched back.  IMO like a Pantera X300.
The Alvarez version of the 300 has the same bayonet neck joint as the 100 & 200 unlike the Westone version.  So all 3 Alvarez versions have the bayonet, but only the 100 &200 for the Westones have that joint.

The inlays on the Rabin models are a diagonal slash which the 390's did not have.

What is interesting is the body was changed slightly for balance, according to TP, which sounds like an improvement over the 390  

I have an AER300 on the way to my house currently, and will compare to my 390 with pics and thoughts after I get it.

Hopr this was interesting or helpful to those into the 390's and/or Rabin fans.

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Guest Mon May 30, 2011 9:16 pm

I should have prefaced a bit better that the Q&A was between myself and TomPresley for those not in the know.

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Iceman Mon May 30, 2011 10:12 pm

Wow! Thanks Sarcaster for getting this out to us. My mind has several followups bouncing about but I will refrain unless you intended this thread to be an opportunity for us forumites to continue the conversation.

I think we all need to be respectful of Mr. Presley's time and how available he wishes to be on these topics. We have all seen the depth of his knowledge and though it may be limitless obviously his time and energies are not.

Thanks again Sarc, and THANK YOU VERY MUCH Tom.
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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Guest Mon May 30, 2011 10:22 pm

ask away if it is regarding the Rabin/390 models - I have done a lot of researching on them (as much as one can do on the net these days - there is very little on them and some of the info is questionable) and TP helped answer some of my inquries.

I feel the Pantera's that morphed into Rabin's and then morphed into Alvarez Rabin's are the coolest (not neccessarily the best of the Westones) there are out there. IMO the best original design Westone delivered.

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Barry Mon May 30, 2011 10:26 pm

Terrific sarc. Thanks again for making this available!
When I get time I'll add the info to the westone guitars web site too.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Guitar10
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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Iceman Mon May 30, 2011 10:38 pm

Well.... a contradiction seems to have arisen in the production numbers that Tom shared here and in the earlier posts of the US development sticky, or perhaps I am misunderstanding the verbiage.

His A to your Q here is that about 200 of the Deluxe models were made. Is he speaking of the x390 models only in the 4 colors we all know from the catalog ( though I have yet to have seen, found reference to or even heard of anyone with an x390ma)? In past posts the number was 96 and that has more or less become the last word when I have seen the rarity of that model discussed.

Or when he has spoke of 48 curly maple ones in past posts do you suspect he is including reference to x390ma's, x350ma's or both?

It seems a safe bet to me that the PW color finish is most often seen when these rare cats do surface for sale, or an owner discovers this forum and posts for the first time.

Again, wonderful stuff regarding a wonderful design.

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by corsair Tue May 31, 2011 3:44 am

Good stuff, Sarc - thanks to you and TP both for this!! I'll probably never even see a Rabin series in the flesh but that doesn't make the story any the less fascinating!! Very Happy
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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Guest Tue May 31, 2011 7:52 am

Iceman wrote:Well.... a contradiction seems to have arisen in the production numbers that Tom shared here and in the earlier posts of the US development sticky, or perhaps I am misunderstanding the verbiage.

His A to your Q here is that about 200 of the Deluxe models were made. Is he speaking of the x390 models only in the 4 colors we all know from the catalog ( though I have yet to have seen, found reference to or even heard of anyone with an x390ma)?

I think the numbers are estimations. Both the 390 and 350 are Deluxe models so on TP's other post thats 148 and this post was 200. I think it's hard to remember the exact counts of any given model (especially when there are many models) so I'm thinking these are roundabout figures.

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Guest Tue May 31, 2011 7:53 am

corsair wrote:Good stuff, Sarc - thanks to you and TP both for this!! I'll probably never even see a Rabin series in the flesh but that doesn't make the story any the less fascinating!! Very Happy

I should be seeing mine in about 3 days Smile

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by colt933 Tue May 31, 2011 10:47 am

As rare as the Pantera 1/Deluxe guitars are - at least you see them for sale from time to time. The Pantera 2/Rabin models practically never come up for sale. I think I've seen one Westone and two or three Alvarez Rabins for sale since I started looking for them 8-9 years ago.
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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Guest Tue May 31, 2011 10:59 am

colt933 wrote:As rare as the Pantera 1/Deluxe guitars are - at least you see them for sale from time to time. The Pantera 2/Rabin models practically never come up for sale. I think I've seen one Westone and two or three Alvarez Rabins for sale since I started looking for them 8-9 years ago.

Agreed. I've seen a hardtail version for sale in south america last year, but the auction was long expired, a wer300rd on this forum, and the aer300rd I just bought.
I'd love to find the hardtail version - that would be a great find.

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by The Chad Tue May 31, 2011 2:14 pm

Thanks Sarcaster and thanks Tom Presley.

We are very blessed to have Tom on our forums. Cool
The Chad
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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Barry Tue May 31, 2011 9:59 pm

I've added the Q&A portion to the website, with a link back here for followup discussion: LINK

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Guitar10
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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by nasticanasta Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:01 pm

sarcaster wrote:
colt933 wrote:As rare as the Pantera 1/Deluxe guitars are - at least you see them for sale from time to time. The Pantera 2/Rabin models practically never come up for sale. I think I've seen one Westone and two or three Alvarez Rabins for sale since I started looking for them 8-9 years ago.

Agreed. I've seen a hardtail version for sale in south america last year, but the auction was long expired, a wer300rd on this forum, and the aer300rd I just bought.
I'd love to find the hardtail version - that would be a great find.
I 2nd that....I've been looking for TRS's Ever since I bought mine in 2004, searching eBay and Craiglist constantly, and I never see one.. I see Pantera's of every model go up for auction or sale but never TRS's I assume they are highly coveted, since I would never sell mine. Twisted Evil
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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by silence86 Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:29 am

I do know that we made 96 of the 390 class Pantera models in various
colors. There were only about 48 of the curly maple ones made world
wide, and only a "few" with the Bendmaster (tom presley 2010)

Less than 100 Rabin models and about 200 Pantera Deluxe models. (tom presley 2011)

just an idea, but the x790 is also called "deluxe"...that considered, there would be:

96 pantera x390pw/cb
48 pantera x350ma
48 pantera x790bk (?)
192 pantera deluxe

not too far away from the 200, and 48 might well be a realistic production number for the x790, measured by the rarity of them popping up on ebay or somewhere else...

just a guess of course...
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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by tpresley Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:06 am

As you all have figured out by now... many of the actual production numbers are estimates based on some of my own memory and limited research of some old files.

Some information is also lost due to the fact that although we were the sole North American distributor of the entire Westone line, Matsumoku also distributed instruments into the world production.

In my travels to Matsumoku I witnessed SLM designed models being distrubuted to Europe that were done in various colors. This was all OK with those of us in SLM as the partnership allowed this.

The 350s were VERY limited in the maple due to the cost of the production as well as the limitations of the wood at that time. Another element had to do with the bridges. There were models made with the Kahler, Bendmaster, Fixed LP bridge and some were even made with the "Strat" style bridge.

Ok, so now I know that some of you are wondering "how many" - who made them and what electronics were used....

Even with accurate production records, this would be difficult since for those of us in the SLM shop, Toshi and Akira at Matsumoku, this was more of an R&D process as well as a fondness for simply experimenting with the possible. As I've mentioned before, I was a "kid in a candy store"!

Did you know that there were Rabin models, with a fixed bayonet neck, Rabin Unbalanced Coil pidkups and a Bendmaster made in Korea?

Here we go again!!!!

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:12 am

way to dangle a carrot!
Sgt. Vimes
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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:13 pm

hmmm - would love to see the 350 with the strat style bridge.

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Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models Empty Re: Tom Presley Q&A on Trevor Rabin Signature models

Post by Westone Sat Oct 30, 2021 12:26 pm

Guest wrote:I feel the Pantera's that morphed into Rabin's and then morphed into Alvarez Rabin's are the coolest (not neccessarily the best of the Westones) there are out there.  IMO the best original design Westone delivered.

Although Sarc is gone, future readers will be interested to know that in his 2017 interview with "Guitar Magazine," Trevor says he still plays his Alvarez Trevor Rabin Signature Guitar today as one of his three "goto" favorite guitars:
1) Fender Stratocaster
2) new Washburn Trevor Rabin (he's under contract with Washburn so is obligated to include this).
3) Alvarez Trevor Rabin Signature (he was under no obligation to include this so actually loves it).

Any idea of what made the updated 1993 Alvarez Trevor Rabin different from the Westone Trevor Rabin?
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