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Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT?

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Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT? Empty Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT?

Post by m-m-m Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:51 pm

In a different thread another user mentioned that to his knowledge, he knew of no other bridges that used the "string claw" to hold the strings like the bendmaster FT does. A few years back I did some research into the GIBSON TP-6 tailpiece, as it seems to have the same kind of string claws ....
Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT? 3331543848_93299c80a5 Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT? 3331543984_e399decb2c
I'm not at all sure that those would work, but I was just curious if anyone here ever tried one. I was never able to find individual 'claws' for sale, but I did see a few for cheap on ebay at the time. The whole tailpieces usually go for like $110US, I think.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 52
Location : near Chicago
Registration date : 2010-12-08

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Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT? Empty Re: Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT?

Post by corsair Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:25 am

WOW!! Good work, 3m's... that looks pretty damned close, eh!! Have to look a little closer into that one! Very Happy
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Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT? Empty Re: Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT?

Post by m-m-m Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:22 pm

Some for less than $30 on ebay.

cash is a bit tight, or I might pull the trigger .... if I new it would work, I would for sure.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 52
Location : near Chicago
Registration date : 2010-12-08

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Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT? Empty Re: Gibson TP-6 as a replacement "string claw" for Benmaster FT?

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