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Parts Anyone?

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Parts Anyone? Empty Parts Anyone?

Post by gcordero13 Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:07 pm

I am in desperate need of a back plate for a Pantera X390. If anyone can help me, I will send you a finders fee as well. Thanks.

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Location : Gilbert, AZ
Registration date : 2010-08-09

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Parts Anyone? Empty Re: Parts Anyone?

Post by corsair Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:57 am

Hi there, fella - ah, the plaintive call of a Westone owner who needs a part; we're well used to it in here!! I think the best option may be to make one, or have one made, as they are pretty thin on the ground!! They're not hard to make; I took a backplate off one of my other guitars along to a plastics supplier who matched it up exactly, and then actually cut and drilled it for me at no extra expense! One of the lads in here who has one might make a pattern for you if you ask nicely!! Parts Anyone? Icon_lol

Let's have a look at this thing, man - we like looking at other peoples guitars in here!!
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Parts Anyone? Empty Re: Parts Anyone?

Post by Guest Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:33 pm

Depending on which model X390 you have there are a couple of possibilities. Ones with a Bendmaster Deluxe had two back covers (One for the controls, one for the trem springs), the others had only the one for the controls. If you need a trem spring cover, I think a standard strat style one will work - not sure though. If it's the control cover, it's almost exactly sthe same as the ones used on the Thunder guitars, and lots of the Matsumoku made Spectrum models, they do turn up on Ebay now and then.

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Parts Anyone? Empty Re: Parts Anyone?

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