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Pantera x-275 parts needed

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Pantera x-275 parts needed Empty Pantera x-275 parts needed

Post by Atle Mon May 17, 2010 7:33 am

I am having a restoration project on my white Pantera x-275, and am in need of a Bendmaster Deluxe. I am also looking for a replacement neck for this guitar, as there are some serious damage on the existing neck (wonder what the h**k the previous owner did to this guitar...).

Hope someone here can help me with this, or point me in the right direction where to find spare parts for this guitar.....

Thanks Pantera x-275 parts needed Icon_biggrin

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-05-16

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Pantera x-275 parts needed Empty Re: Pantera x-275 parts needed

Post by Westbone Mon May 17, 2010 7:56 am

This has been on sale for ages. Depends where you are, might be worth a go ??
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Pantera x-275 parts needed Empty Re: Pantera x-275 parts needed

Post by silence86 Mon May 17, 2010 10:49 am

hm, a x300 with a bendmaster ft...ok,at least you could use the neck. but a (very) used neck for 135 USD is a bit to hot i think...

keep your eyes on ebay...bendmaster deluxe trems pop up from time to time. necks are even rarer, however you should finally get one if you are patient.
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Pantera x-275 parts needed Empty Re: Pantera x-275 parts needed

Post by corsair Mon May 17, 2010 10:53 am

Yeah, I saw that had had a real close look at it.... However, it's got a Bendmaster FT trem and it's missing the stringlock completely so probably not of much use to you, Atle?!

Parts for any Westone are a major PITA to find; normally you just have to wait until something comes up on eBay if Spares is still closed down....(he is, I just checked!)

What parts for a BD are you after, or are you wanting the whole thing? They do come up every now and again but if you don't wanna wait then some of the lads in here have come up with alternatives, so maybe they'll pipe up now and tell us what's what in that regard....

How bad is the neck? (Obviously, a few good pix would tell the story, so if you can....) Pantera x-275 parts needed Icon_smile
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Pantera x-275 parts needed Empty Re: Pantera x-275 parts needed

Post by Atle Mon May 17, 2010 1:03 pm

Thanks for all the replies Pantera x-275 parts needed Icon_smile Yes, I am looking for the complete Bendmaster trem. The previous owner of the guitar put some terrible fixed bridge in the guitar. And that obviously have to go.... Pantera x-275 parts needed Icon_lol The neck is pretty bad, but usable. I can keep the one currently on the guitar, but I want to restore it back to its former glory.

And: I am also in need of a westone hard case or two.

So, ebay is the place to watch then? I remember a place on the net were one could buy westone parts, but it seem to be gone now.

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-05-16

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Pantera x-275 parts needed Empty Re: Pantera x-275 parts needed

Post by Westbone Mon May 17, 2010 6:46 pm

What's wroung with your neck??? Snapped, wornout??
Could always replace it with an older Jackson bridge. Plenty around.
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Pantera x-275 parts needed Empty Re: Pantera x-275 parts needed

Post by corsair Tue May 18, 2010 2:56 am

Atle wrote:I remember a place on the net were one could buy westone parts, but it seem to be gone now.

Yep, there was; the owner of the site was doing Spares for a year or so a while back, but lack of patronage and changing circumstances led to him pulling the plug, unfortunately.

So, ebay is the place to watch then?

Yes. And Kijiji, Gumtree and any other auction site.
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Pantera x-275 parts needed Empty Re: Pantera x-275 parts needed

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