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?Challenger? Empty ?Challenger?

Post by boutjp97 Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:12 pm

This guitar is for sale here in the states at an out of state music shop for me so I cannot take a look in person. I was just curious because the bridge is not correct, it should have a Bendmaster FR double locking trem. This is just a standard single lock trem and there does not appear to be any routing that would be present if there ever was a Bendmaster FR double locking trem installed. The Challenger is only listed with the Bendmaster FR double locking trem as far as I know. Mybe this is an early model still using some leftover Matsumoku parts. But then again the Challenger was made in 1989, well after Matsumoku closed its doors. It is a mystery I guess. Anyway, the store is asking the low, low price of just $79.99 USD.
?Challenger? 1yjvka10
Only one bad picture on the stores site that I tried to fix up a little. Any thoughts on that bridge?
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?Challenger? Empty Re: ?Challenger?

Post by Warrn Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:22 pm

$80?? Who cares what's on it, I'd pick that up in a heartbeat! ...well, if I could play guitar worth a damn that is.

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?Challenger? Empty Re: ?Challenger?

Post by corsair Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:53 pm

The knobs have been changed out too, but I tend to agree with warrn - $80 is pretty bloody cheap, eh! And then you could tear it down for the pleasure of the folk on the board!!!

That bridge looks like a normal strat bridge (the Matt ones are called Tekglide, from memory); hard to know what's going on there - possibly swapped out because the lockbase stripped out? Who knows!?
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?Challenger? Empty Re: ?Challenger?

Post by Barry Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:41 am

Yeah, where are ya gonna find a half way decent guitar for that price?

It may be past the Mats "sweet-spot" era but she's bound to be carrying some the Uncle's DNA and I'll wager she could be one badass lil' rocker!
And I dunno, it's hard to tell from the small pic, but the knobs, pups, and maybe even the bridge looks to be original to me(?)

So buy it, and be a guitar hero!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
?Challenger? Guitar10
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?Challenger? Empty Re: ?Challenger?

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