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Excellent MIK '89 Challenger on eBay

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Excellent MIK '89 Challenger on eBay Empty Excellent MIK '89 Challenger on eBay

Post by Brainfertilizer Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:34 pm

Mine is just like this.

I very nearly jumped on it. But I decided to pass, mainly because I already have a yellow one. If it had been red or blue, it would be gone already.

The licensed Floyd Rose trem works very, very well on mine, and I love the favorite of all my Westones.

I have no connection with this guitar or the seller...I just thought I'd let people know about a pretty good deal. If no one buys it, maybe he relists cheaper...?
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Excellent MIK '89 Challenger on eBay Empty Re: Excellent MIK '89 Challenger on eBay

Post by Brett Randy Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:20 pm

Thanks or the heads up. If it sales tonight, I bet I'm the proud new owner.
Brett Randy
Brett Randy
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Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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