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Westone Concord 2 Bass Value

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concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value Empty Westone Concord 2 Bass Value

Post by saxosim Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:22 pm


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me with some advice please. My Dad has asked me to sell one of his Bass guitars and I need to know what sort of value the guitar is worth so I have an idea how much to advertise it for?

It is a Westone Concorde 2 Bass guitar in a dark red colour with its own flight case. It is pretty much immaculate other than a few marks on the case and 2 small light scratches on the body.

My Dad got it approx 15 years ago and has now decided to part with it as he doesn't use it. The build and quality of it is excellent and it is a great looking guitar.

Please see photos below, any idea of values would be much kindly appreciated?

Thanks, regards
Newcastle Upon Tyne
England (UK)

concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value P1000293

concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value P1000292

concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value P1000295

concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value P1000296
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-12-29

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concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value Empty Re: Westone Concord 2 Bass Value

Post by Guest Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:53 am

Hi Simon
I sold one of these without a case on Ebay a couple of years ago, it fetched £90, which at the time was about the same as Thunder I basses were going for. Prices for most Westones have gone up since then, a very good condition Thunder I bass with a non original hard case sold recently for £155, so that may be a good guide but prices do fluctuate quite a bit - a good condition Thunder IA (With no case) only fetched £102 a few days later.

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concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value Empty Re: Westone Concord 2 Bass Value

Post by saxosim Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:34 am

Hi Thorn,

Cheers for the info, you have a PM reply.

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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-12-29

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concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value Empty Re: Westone Concord 2 Bass Value

Post by Warrn Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:53 am

Oh wow. The prettiest ones are always overseas. concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value Icon_neutral

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concord - Westone Concord 2 Bass Value Empty Re: Westone Concord 2 Bass Value

Post by saxosim Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:26 am

Hi All,

Many thanks for the interest, the guitar has now sold and was collected last night to a nice friendly guy who is really passionate about westone guitars and gave me a good price for it we are happy with.

Many thanks
Registered Member

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-12-29

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